Chrisanty Susanto

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

nope, I only enjoy a little window-shopping but I don't have much money so I can't buy things that I don't need. shopping is only to buy things I really need, not for fun.

Latest answers from Chrisanty Susanto

Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

not really. u need at least second or third sight to fall in love *i think* because u can't know a person just from the first sight. falling in love is not only by appearance, but also by characteristic from the person, etc. interested at first sight, yeah, but falling in love? no. love is a serious thing dude.

meet anyone cute using the chatous app yet?

I don't really trust people who only show up in internet, so... I guess, no? I'm not really interested in getting to know someone at app or anything else, I prefer directly meet the person myself

before and after

Patrick samuel
before: "ini siapa sih anaknya disebut di tweet Tania sampe bilang kangen2 segala." *ternyata ketemu waktu mau belajar mat buat UN di KFC Tugu Tani*
after: MY BEST FRIEND :3 :3 :3 teman sangat baik yang selalu ada di saat gue membutuhkan, tempat curhat (cowok) paling aman yg ga bakal bocor, orang yg udah bikin gue nangis berkali2 *dalam artian "baik"* *maksudnya membuat gue berefleksi diri sampe nangis*, pelarian terakhir gue kalo gue merasa sendirian, teman yg selalu menerima gue apa adanya, orang yg bikin gue ngiri setengah mati karena kok kayaknya bebas banget hidupnya, satu2nya temen yg kalo gue ngambek nanggepin serius :3, cowok super unyu yang sangat gue kagumi - sosok cowok yg gue inginkan kalo gue jadi cowok, Sagittarius yg terlalu memandang rendah diri sendiri sampe ga sadar dia unyu dan baiknya kelewatan -_-, temen nemenin bikin pr *entah lewat Skype atau line*, temen yg bisa bikin gue begadang sampe pagi cuma buat ngobrol doang, temen yg tau sifat dan sikap gue mulai dari gue jatuh cinta sampe terbang, sampai gue ngamuk abis2an sampe nangis. kalo suruh cerita semuanya kayaknya bakal kepanjangan, tp itu yg kepikiran saat ini :))

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Kuliah di mana

ambil Studienkolleg (semacem college buat ngulang pelajaran dalam bahasa Jerman) jurusan M-Kurs (medicine course) 1 tahun di BSD, trus begitu lulus, pergi ke Jerman untuk lanjut uni yang belum tahu dimana tapi pokoknya di Jerman :3

Are you a good liar?

not really. i can be if it's really really necessary, but if I musn't I won't.

What was the last lie you told?

"ich weiss nicht, warum ich weinte. ich war nur...sehr traurig.."
als ich mich erinnere, weiss ich vielleicht, aber ich bin nicht sicher selbst... :"

Language: English