Chrisanty Susanto

Ask @GBFCS_95

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Post a picture that makes you proud of your country?

whatever we, Sommerjugendkurs Bielefeld 2013 Indonesian group, did in Bielefeld. our 3-weeks-course was the only period when I feel proud being indonesian and proud of our country Indonesia. that moments when we did our best to be ourselves. that moments when we became family. that moments when we showed the world that Indonesians can do our best in everything they want us to do. we did the best. we were, and still are, the best. we are one family! <3
Liked by: Zefanya Rumampuk

Post a picture that makes you proud of your country?

whatever we, Sommerjugendkurs Bielefeld 2013 Indonesian group, did in Bielefeld. our 3-weeks-course was the only period when I feel proud being indonesian and proud of our country Indonesia. that moments when we did our best to be ourselves. that moments when we became family. that moments when we showed the world that Indonesians can do our best in everything they want us to do. we did the best. we were, and still are, the best. we are one family! <3

Who do you trust most in your life?

Gott, Seinen Sohn Jesus, Heilige Mutter Maria, meinen Vater, meine besten Freunde.

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What do you think about marriage?

"Ikatan lahir batin antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang bertujuan untuk membentuk keluarga yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa" - UU No. 1 / 74
*after-effect UAS religiositas*
well I think it's actually about a couple who loves each other and decides to be together forever and has commitment to each other in front of the law and God.. I believe it's an eternal commitment and unbreakable.. till the death tears them apart.

What's your favourite chocolate bar?

any chocolate bar with mint flavor! but Silver Queen (dark chocolate one) is okay :9

Describe Tantan!

maaf baru jawab! mohon dimaklumi beginilah kelas 12 sanur. kalo ada waktu mending tidur saja.
describe ya? gue coba ya. walaupun gue gak yakin.
tantan itu.. pertama kali gue liat dia, respon gue : "INI ANAK PERSIS ADEK GUE." wajahnya dan gayanya, mirip jenni. auranya jg. tp ternyata ada hal2 yg beda dr mereka. tantan punya pandangan yg lbh general terhadap segala sesuatu, bisa nekan emosinya lbh baik (walau kalo lagi galau tetap keliatan) drpd byk org yg gue kenal. kalo ngasi saran plg bijak dan tenang, betul2 macam psikolog. tantan ternyata juga suka ngmg jorok2 (gue jg) beda banget dr jenni yg gak tau apa2. tantan punya self confidence (yg gue liat sih) dan dia jalannya lambaaatt. kdg2 bikin sahabat baiknya pasang tampang -__- saking lambatnya. tantan hugable, dan selalu bersedia dipeluk gue kapan aja ketemu. tuan rumah yg baik, anaknya lugas, cool, penyayang, gampang bergaul sama cowok. intinya drpd gue kakaknya, kayaknya lbh byk dia kakak gue deh. abis gue selalu konsultasi sama dia. yang penting aku selalu lala pada tantan!! :*

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Do you like high heels?

not really. it makes my feet hurt and all :( but it's important for woman's fashions so can't help

Menurut kamu Dicky itu anaknya gimana? :D

dicky ya.. mm dia baik kok. pinter, rajin. punya keyakinan tentang dirinya dan indonesia. bangga sama surabaya dan indonesia. mau jadi menteri pariwisata. sepertinya dalam hatinya sebenernya agak ga pede karena sedikit kekurangan dirinya, tp menurut gue sbnrnya itu ga gitu penting. keyakinan dia itu sering bikin gue kagum sama dia. anaknya agak narsis hahahah tp tetep baik! gue pengen bs kayak dia dlm memandang indonesia, karena gue samasekali ga ada keyakinan ky dia. oh! dia jg banyak temen skype bule, yg bikin gue kagum juga. dalam pergaulan dia sangat jempolan. ortunya agak overprotective. dia jg gampang ngambek, agak moody (tp biasanya karena alasan yg masuk akal), pengatur kegiatan yang hebat, suka traveling. dia pernah "ngambek" di bielefeld krn anak2 indo susah diatur pdhl Nationenabend tinggal bentar lagi. overall dia baik dan keren. gitudeh hahahah :p

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What is something you want right now?

a super long rest, not having all those upcoming exams, meeting some friends...

suka sama siapa?

apakah kamu perlu tau ini? kalo kamu orang yg deket sama gue, harusnya kamu tau. gue rasa, siapapun yg gue suka, gak harus gue beritahukan ke banyak orang. karena prinsip gue saat ini ky lagu yg gue dan adik gue baru nyanyiin di soundcloud (ini lagu karangan adek gue loh, dengerin yah. *kok jd promosi hahaha*):
"Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana, meski diri harus menjadi satu yang tak kasat mata. Hanya denganku cukup cintaimu dari jauh saja, tanpa kau perlu tahu perasaan hati diriku." - Karena Kau Yang Disini, Jennifer Theresia.. :3

Salted or sweet popcorn?

both are great.. but I prefer the sweet one if I buy it in XXI. after all the sweet one is a little bit better than salty.

Describe Dicky, Bagus, Elno, Aldy, Yuda in your own.

Bagus: he's the most handsome but the youngest boy from indonesian group. he's a little bit arogant but has a good fashion taste. i have once fallen in love with him but now i think of him as a younger handsome brother. he's really smart and he used to borrow my phone to use my german english dictionary.
Dicky: he's the second handsome boy from indonesian group.the he's talkative and he love indonesia so much. he always promotes indonesia and he's smart too. i like him as a friend.
Elno: he's the cutest boy from indonesian group. he has a unique voice and accent and he's adorable. he's close to charlene because they both like to shop together. he once has got angry because of a particular thing and he scared me because of this.
Yuda: he's the third handsome boy from indonesian group, the wisest, calmest, and kindest boy too. he's not talkative but he's really cute when he laugh. i adore him so much and he's kinda the father for indonesian group.
Aldy: he's my classmate and he talked to me quite much. he has a little bit negative personality but after all he's really kind and awesomely smart in german subject.
that's all :)

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If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

my father said I'll be named nearly the same as I am now, so maybe: Maximillianus Fransiscus Christoph Susanto

If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

it will start from either Indonesia or Germany, but the countries which I'll visit are those where my Sommerjugendkurs Bielefeld good friends come from : Turkey, Egypt, Morrocco. I really want to meet all of them and do shopping and sight-seeing in their countries, maybe learn some surfing from a Morrocco friend, see some pyramids in Egypt, visit some museums and shopping in Turkey. after that I want to go to the Dead Sea. if I still have some more time, I want to visit Korea and Japan. shopping make-ups and trying all korean food in Korea, and trying all japanese ramen I can try in Japan! and also, if I can, I want to visit America just for a while to go to Harry Potter Land and shopping in Wonka's store ;D I hope I can do this travel with my indonesian Sommerjugendkurs Bielefeld 2013 friends :3

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imdes anak2 juku 2013 ;)

wah pnjg nih, bielefeld aja kan? ;D
papa yuda: "..." *senyum tnang* plg kuhormatin krn 10 hari lbh tua dr gue dan bijaksana. ganteng. sneng bgd sm yuda, plg berwibawa, tenang, pinter pula. papa favorit gue ;D
charlene: "ih si a kok bajunya aneh bgd sih, hrsny ____" QUEEN OF FASHION. mentor fashion gue. org prtama yg gue sapa. pinter, partner ribut di wa. sifatny ky si a. ska ngobrol sm gue.
mama puteri: *gue*"'hai mama" *puteri*"hey baby :3 (dg nada cute ky bayi)" tmpt gue cerita SEMUANYA. bijaksana dan btl2 ky mama. GAUL abis! ud bertemu jodohny TT.TT bkin upe.
vina: "aku bkal kangen bgd dipeluk dan dicium kakak" adek gue di bielefeld, sekls jg di Saschistan. pinter jermannya, cantik bgd, yg plg gue manjain krn dia adek idaman gue. manis bgd.
bagus: *di kls*"pinjem hp lu" *bka app kamus de-eng* tmn sekls di Saschistan jg. aksen jermannya mantap. si no. 1. si bungsu. pemain snare drum.
aldy: "ih ya ampun si junyak tuh tadi___" sekls sm gue jg di Saschistan. orgnya agak negative thinking. anaknya baik kok tp.
anya: *godain anya* "iiihh kaliaaan gitu banget deehh" partner ribut di wa jg. cool bgd klo lg main billiard :3 baik dan oke bgd.
elno: "aduh wassi tuh cantik bgd ya, ampun deh" cowok cute! dmen k-pop jg. gue ska meluk dia :p ganteng kok, trus baik bgd!
jeannette: "aduuhhh tolong deehh, ___" frau kommentieren. omongannya nancep. jrg ngmg sm dia tp anaknya baik kok. :D
dicky: "kita, sbg org indonesia, hrsny bangga dg ___" plg jago promosi indo dan plg bangga sm indo. pinter, keren. dia jg baik bgd dan ramah bgd.
rani: "aduh, ___ku dimana ya?" agak croboh. cantik, manis, baik, ramah, sabar bgd. nada bicaranya tnang rendah hati.
emi: "gereja bkanny jam stgh 8?" *panik lgsg mandi 5 mnt, trnyt jam 11 -_-* baik anakny, diem tp trnyt asik diajakin ngobrol.
ghina: "eehh, siti..?" "bukan, ini ghina" *ups!* anaknya agak pendiem. jd ratu yg tnang dan lucu bgd di projekt. baik, rajin.
hikma: "RUHIG BITTE..!! DANKE." frau ruhig. kecil, item, cute. anaknya aga pendiem jd gue ga gt byk ngmg sm dia.
debby: "hai adik tuaaa!" ketua bielefeld, jd dia kak (ke)tua. krn gue lbh tua dr dia, jd adik tua. tipe pmimpin. baik bgd sm gue.
santy: "si nomer 1 ___ aduh nomer 2 ____" arogan tp penyayang. bangga bgd bs msk Saschistan. slalu bawel dan ngmg apa aja.

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