
Tania Rudolph

Ask @Tantanniaa

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ikutan ah. 5q yang jawabannya ....

Anastasia Gaspersz
Siapa yg desahannya paling cetar?
Siapa yg kalo makan creamsoup kfc hrus campur nasi?
Siapa yg paling s4ng3 di ladies?
Siapa yg paling sering pacaran di antara ladies? :p
Siapa yg latah ngomong "aduh" padahal yg dijepret orang lain?
Liked by: Anastasia Gaspersz

Ever playing truth or dare? Which question of truth have you ever answered? (I don't need the answer) Or which dare have you ever done? Pap if available

I forgot about the truth questions. But dare...I proposed someone lol and he accepted it.. we're very close ever since hahah :3

Mau sok gaul ikutan tren before after nih :3

gatau bro kebanyakan hahaha
before : oh she's good at drawing. okay. okay she speaks english. (this is almost exactly the same like you @christasyd )
after : oh my LOOOORRRDDDDD


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