

Ask @GClassica

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Is there anything so precious to you that you'd risk your life for it?

yes i have i dont think its rlly that important to talk abt dat here lololol

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kalo cowok perhatian sama cewek kan biasanya si cowok suka gangguin cewek. kalo cewek nunjukin perhatiannya ke cowok gimana ya?

cewek susah dingertiin, aku aja bingung, kalo cewe perhatian ya bisa aja krn dia emang dasar baik bla bla ribet lah

What is your spirit animal?

tiger? idek exactly, but tiger is the shio of mine, i dont rlly think animal suits the spirit of mine, can it be flower. i'd rather like

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

rich and famous, ever heard the sentence that said 'yes, money can buy happiness'???, coz my happiness came from the things i wanna buy and have.

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

omg, many talents i wanna have,lol. but i wanna have talent in chemistry, srsly my chemistry is freaking bad.

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

Ahmadinejad, Jusuf Kalla, B.J. habibie

What is your favorite place to meet friends?

i meet my friends every SINGLE day, we live in dorm, we meet in school


Language: English