

Ask @GLaGirL

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Let's say you're the prime minister for a day. Apa benda baru yang kau nak introduce to the country? And why?

Wow, I never put myself as a prime minister before and this is actually tough?? lol. Kalau nk jawab tak serius boleh tak?? 😂 okey serious talk, I have been thinking for about an hour now and nothing come to my mind. Wow, Im really bad at this. 😂 ummm... idk. Rasa terbeban la pulak. Okey, disebabkan boleh jd prime minister in a day je, I guess I will just introduce Noragami. Sebab dia quite underrated. Org just tahu meme dia tapi tak pernah ambil tahu pasal anime dia. Andddd... MANGA WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN ANIME. From plot kind of view. 😂😂😂

As a girl yang tak pernah pergi berjalan sorang², should I do it?

Jalan ke mana???? Travel or pergi mall sorang2?? 😂😂 I have read a lot of stories yg girls travel sorang but you have to be careful not to be so naive lah. You mesti tahu cara nk defend diri and all. Kalau nk pergi mall sorang2, digalkkan sebab you akan rasa sgt carefree. Seronok gila weiyyy!!
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Bila sebut clean eating, benda yang first kau pikir apa?

Makan smpai licin. 😂😂😂😂😂
K... kidding... entah?? Makan makanan yg bebas lemak, minyak, carbo maybe???

Is being a loner a bad thing?

Not really. Im a loner, I love to be lonely because that ease my mind. I have a very..how do I say... bad paranoid so Im easily insecure. Being with people will influence me to think what to do to make them like me and I hate that. I wanna stop but I cant. So.. being a loner is the best way. But then.. it can also be a bad thing. When your depression comes and you tend to alone is a very bad thing. your inside voice will make every freaking bad decision and without anyone/anything to hold you back, you'll..yeah...... :') So.. if you're loner.. limit yourself.

I can't stop pulling and tugging my hair.. I keep doing without realizing it 😭😭

Maybe you should tie your hands. 😂😂😂
or just put hair oil so your hands will be annoyed with all the oily feeling and maybe you'll stop pulling your hair, I guess.

Any tips how to get off social media? I tried logging out and maybe lasted for 3-4 days before logging back into my account 😂

Once I hide my socmed apps but its only last for about 2 days I guess. My friend, we are already in deep technology adaptation, there's no going back.

Do you use planner to keep yourself or your days organised?

No. I dont know how to use them. but i do have what to do list for a day.

Kalau kau tahu kawan kau mengumpat pasal kau, would you care to ask apa dia cakap kat orang pasal kau?

Sometimes yes sometimes no. ahaha.. banyak dh ada pengalaman mcmni. Sometimes rasa la mcm nk tahu lg2 kawan yg kau layan dia baik2. Tapi kalau kawan yg kurang baik, ikut suka hati dia lah nk cakap apa. 😂😂

what is something you'll never eat and why? (aside from you simply don't like it, or it's haram)

Laksa. I just dont know why. i hate laksa. :') im sorry laksa lover, no offense but I hate their smell and all. :') I tried to love it but cant.

Decide nak masak apa pastu beli barang atau tengok barang apa ada pastu decide masak apa?

Kalau jenis yg masak untuk sehari or one meal je, decide nak masak apa bru beli,so tkdelah membazir. Tapi kalau jenis yg hit supermarket sebulan sekali... ha... belilah apa2 nanti bru decide.

Suka baked beans tak?

Suka!!! Ahh.. kan dh craving. Bestnya baked bean, hashbrown, telur goyang2, sosej. 😭😭💕

Kau rasa en kalau mak kau keberatan nk bagi kau kerja dlm bidang yg kau study sekarang, tp dia okay je aku belajar, n aku pun dh niat sebab ilmu haha sbb nk tukar tu pyh dah, tp kau rasa aku patut teruskan or patut tukar je eh?*I course nursing, i nk tukar time asasi uia tak bg, dh degree skrg

Benda paling penting lah kan dalam belajar ni selalunya passion sebab benda tu lah stamina kita dalam marathon belajar ni. Banyak kawan dh drop medic first year sebab diorang ckap diorang tkde passion, diorang rasa nk buat je. Ada jugak yg drop masa final year sebab dia bru sedar yg dia rasa medic ni susah. So, actually you have to ask yourself what you have passion of sebenarnya. Tapi tulah.. kalau you betul2 taknak teruskan nursing, better berhenti and proceed with things you want sebab yelah.. kalau you tkde passion dlm nursing but you have to spend the rest of your life as a nurse is such a..... well.. might be hard. tapi, again.. I emphasized.. please look at back at your passion. Tapi yelah.. I faham kalau apa yg u nak tu tak dpat sebab dekat malaysia ni bukannya bnyk sgt peluang seba tu org end up buat benda lain. sorry, kalau I tak bnyak bantu.

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Dah umur 20an pun masih nervous jawab phone call & hantar email. Bila nak rasa dewasa ni haha

Ikr... tapi sejak akhir2 ni tetiba rasa mcm dh makin berani. Mesej lecturer, call lect etc. kena buat benda ni sebab yelah nk survive dlm kehidupan U. And as the time goes on, i actually adapted to it.

Have you ever experienced one-sided love?

Having a crush right??? Many time and one of the most one-sided love experiene that I wont forget is when the boy actually has a crush on me too!! But I only know when his friend told me months after school end. :') for two years I have a crush on him and my style of crushing is not being nervous whatsoever but tease him with all the things. lmoa. 😂😂 maybe because I am an easy-going person so teasing him is not a weird thing. I teased everyone but he got the wildest prank. Lmoa, great time. I always noticed that he checked on me but ya knowww... when you having a crush on someone you would feel perasan and all that so I just.. blushing but at the same time I said myself.. lol.. he maybe just watch me to find a weakness and seek revenge. :').. and that time.. my kinda hot friend also has a crush on him and the whole batch including him knew that. So, i think maybe he at least will have a things for my friend so I kinda.. dont want to ruin that.. ahhh.. I wish his friend told me earlier maybe before our graduation or whatsoever so I can prank him harder!!! 😂😂😂 and ya know.. maybe take some picture with him. But i'll never confess because dammnn.. im not good at this. :') ahhh..

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Are you interested in trying out any diet? e.g. vegetarian, atkins, paleo etc.

No actually. Even Im on diet, my body wont do anything unless I went for workout or exercise.

What's something that people usually tell you?

"You have a snobbish, ignorant, intovert, b*tch face when I first saw you but now despite all that, you're actually talkative easy-going person."

How to measure happiness?

Wow... tough question. Measuring happiness is based on one's preference. If an individual loves anime and getting figures is like they're having a top notch of their life, then, that would be their maximum level of happiness. If a doctor who hold a principle to neglect any fatality, and he/she managed to save a life, then.. it's a happiness for him/her. Yeah.. generally, it is about one's preference, life-style. But to generalize it and having the same scale of happiness applied to everyone, might be almost zero possibility. Everyone has their own interest.

Any tips nak berborak dengan orang yang extremely pendiam?

Hmmm.. 🤔🤔🤔 cuba sentiasa ada kat sisi dia and try engage a convo with her/him first. Like... asking for some introduction and all. Pastu cita la apa2 kat dia. Walaupun dia tak bg respon or whatsoever, still cakap ngan dia and sentiasa tunjuk that you wanna be friend with her/him. Jangan sesekali tinggal dia lagi2 yg jenis introvert, sebab dia maybe nak kawan but dont know how and malu, nervous, anxious and all. Maybe she/he could sense your sincerity later. Either he/she's some kind of introvert, anti-social or just dont wanna be disturb. (Lmoa, I selalu buat ni bila pergi tempat baru 😂😂🔥) apa2 pun. All the best!!!


Language: English