

Ask @GeorgeVilchis

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Confession. Ur awesome I love hanging and being around u cause ur so funny and nice and I miss u and we all will need to hang soon :)

Hannah hodges
Miss you too dude! Let's hang soon😜

truth is george I love you and I'm so happy to call u a friend :) and I need some of those shirts homie 😊 and I'll giv u rim soon don't worry

Hannah hodges
Haha love you too and il hook it next time I see you😊 and dude I've been waiting for this rim sesh for like a week stop laggin😏😂

Do you get annoyed if people call you Viewless vil haha?

Haha I mean it's whatever I guess that's just what people know me by haha

truth- we used to talk like a long ass time ago lol but you're super chill and i see a lot of your company stuff on insta and its so sick i love it

I know haha txt me(: and thank you that means a lot!


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