

Ask @GeorgiaAckroyd

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You're close with cam who's my best mate✌️ you're gorgeous! Never spoke before or heard of you until a couple of days ago! You seem so lovely and genuine! Should talk more? X

Paige atkinson
Aww thank you. Pop up or something?xx
Liked by: Paige atkinson

Like- you're so stunning, have such a good personality, great girl, genuine, always trying to cheer me up, always there for me, understands me a lot.. Could go on haha Dislike- you've never been to Nandos! Xxx

Cameron Ramsden
Aww thank you and ahahaha xxxxx
Liked by: Cameron Ramsden

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Haven't a clue who you are but you look pretty in you're display picture, maybe pop on Facebook?xx

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Georgia Estelle Ackroyd?
Just I have no idea who you are ahahah x
Liked by: Dylan

I miss you georgia! We may have ups and downs but that's what makes us stronger. We've been through a lot together and we've stuck by eachothers side, you was part of my family at one point but we threw all that away:/ we have so many memories an loads more to come, could go on forever, love you xxx

Aww thank you, miss you too.
Love you lotsies xxxxx

So fucking hot! you're such a nice girl, very down to earth, really good personality, make me laugh, always trying to cheer me up! always here for you! Pop up? Xx

Cameron Ramsden
Aww thank you cam, could do with a chat actually:(
Snapchat me?xxxx
Liked by: Cameron Ramsden

Opinion? Haha x

You're gorgeous and such a nice down to earth girl. We've had our disagreements but they're in the past now. I know I can always turn to you! We can not of spoken for a month but as soon as I see you its like i was with you yesterday. Could go on forever tbh, love you x
Liked by: Laura✨

I've know you for such a long time,always been close really. Had a few big arguments a while ago :/ all good now though. You really dont deserve the shit you're getting right now! We've had so so many memories that I could go on and on about but what's point. I love ya Georgeee x

Aww thanks Laura, love you loads xoxoxox


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