
Georgia Lovei

H/O The cheleigh and brianna drama

Tbh it's not really any of my business. I mean what happened between them isn't to do with me since I wasn't involved... But I think Brianna is now experiencing karma, she bullied me and now it's happening to her. I wonder how she likes being bullied when she feels like she was in the right hmm 😏 I never had a problem with her before she started bullying me so I don't know why she started doing it, but I guess she's got what she had coming to her

Latest answers from Georgia Lovei

Whom would you call, if you were allowed to make just one last telephone call?

Thats a toss up of my partner or my father

How do you greet your friends?

The don't have the emoji that pulls the finger yet but yea that's me, or I insult them πŸ˜‚

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

I'm sure everyone hates getting socks from their parents/grandparents πŸ™„

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

If I hadn't of met this man I'd not be who I am today

Language: English