
Georgina Anstee

Ask @GeorginaAnstee

Which was your most memorable birthday?

i have my birthday in May to June half term so we went on holiday to my favorite holiday resort called Hoburn Naish and it was the best birthday ever! <3

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Do you believe in fate?

I'm not to sure i would like to believe it is true but i'm not sure everything could just be a coincidence

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

The most dangerous thing i have probably ever done is do a forward roll down the stairs. Never again.

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

it depends how much he looks at them. If a man looks at another girl more than once he is probably thinking oh wow but if he looks at her just the one time he is just looking at some random person.

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

My best friend and we would go back to Germany because it was the best time eveeeeeer

Language: English