
Gerli Pommer

Ask @GerliPommer

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Kas said joikist mingit raha, et neile reklaami tegid? Kui ei, siis miks seda fännad?

Ei. Mulle lihtsalt meeletult meeletult meeldivad need tooted. Just sain pakiautomaadist uue paki, jeejee

Oled lume või suve inimene?

Need küll vastandsõnad pole, aga suve inimene. Ma arvan, et eelmises elus olin rannaliiv kuskil kariibi mere saartel, armastan sooja.

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Do you like your name?

I do, but it's pretty hard in foreign country, specially in USA, they pronounced it like girlie not like Gerli.

Aktiivne tegevus, milleta elada ei suudaks?

Neid on kaks - jooksmine ja tantsimine. Oletan, et mingeid hingamisi ja söömisi pole siin silmas peetud.

Mis vanusevahe suhtes ei ole enam normaalne?

Kui intelligentsustasemed ei ühti. Armastus ei küsi vanust ja tõepoolest, mul on üsna savi, kui vana keegi on, aga ma arvan, et mõistus peaks VEEEEITS samal tasemel olema küll.

What's your dream job?

Writing. Doesn't matter are they news or just stories, is it a book or whatever - I love to write. I could do it every single day next thousand years

What do you think people think of you? also follow me? i already follow you(:

Saul Logan™
Hard to answer, but seems, people thinks either I am friendly or I am arrogant.
Following you :)

What was the worst meal you have ever had?

I don't remember exactly what was it, but it happened in Poland, where the menu was in Polish and I just ordered one thing what sounded like something in my country and it was TOOOOOOTALLY different and piece of shit. Jesus.. huh..

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

How clean it is. It's not so important to me, but somehow it's always the first thing I see.

What is your favorite place to eat?

In Estonia - Patrick's and Mack Barbque
In the World - Fridays, Steak&Shake, Cheesecake Factory, Cosi

What do you think of falling in love on the Internet? Have you ever experienced it?

Don't believe in it. That "click" is coming in real life.


Language: English