
Gio Alexis

Ask @Gioalexis99

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"mid-october with leaves spilled like colored pencil shavings the streets dicing our town into neat unfair portions and me, eatin’ that pussy baby”

yeah i've been there i'll message you on fb then if that'll make it easier and more comfortable for you?

Well who are you?:o

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you don't have me friended but i'd be willing to listen if you need someone to talk to?

i don't know like you know that moment you're happy then your mind wanders off and all these thoughts hit you and you get in your downer then you start to look at everything as a whole and your afraid of the future and then you start thinking all these things and you feel pretty shitty and worthless and you over think? Yeah.
Liked by: Jennica Nicole

no les agas caso a todas la envidiosas! hasta no ver no creer..

Ya se ya se!!!
Pos no les hago caso! Nunca!!
Yo ya se, lo que se, no puedes poner pendejadas en mi cabeza.

you have a birthmark on your toe? :o I have a birth mark on my tummy ^-^

What, only one guy knows about it /n\ and I haven't talked to him in months.
Jk. I don't got no birthmark on my toe o.o


Language: English