
Gio Alexis

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Arizona Green Tea Or Brisk? :p

Ahhhh that's hard D;
Green tea is good for you but Brisk is sweet:(
Arizona green tea c':

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if you could drink one drink for the rest of your life which would you choose? it cant be water

Strawberry milk:3

pap of ur boobs

Whatever that is, no. Anything involving my boobs is a no can do. These ladies belong to my lovely husband:3 <3.

Tu eres una chava bien guapa y te mereses lo mejor..... Te casarias con migo (*-*)/

No, ya estoy casada con el hombre que me hace MUY Feliz <3.

As usual, yes.. but you're amazing, no one can deny that. I promise you that you are absolutely amazing. No lamb shall overcome you.

And no, no lamb ever will.

And I know, fuck no it aint easy. But remember, the greater the struggle, the greater the triumph.

And the stronger you become.

Emotions will be emotions, they're like a demon, they possess you, drive you insane, bring you down. You are you. Nothing can rise above you if you don't allow them. If you do allow them, then they'll do it. Think of them as demons. Overcome them, you're as close to perfect as it gets.

I am a lion, i do not let lambs over power me.
Those demons are nothing. I will not let them over power me.
I just need to pick myself up... as usual...

I'll help you this time. There's no one in the world that is you. There's no one that will ever be you. A girl who is beautiful, funny, gets straight A's, wants to be a cardiologist and can be one quite easily; and utterly amazing. There is only one you. And you're amazing, you can overcome anything

It's not as easy as it looks...
Especially in those times where you feel less than what you told you are. I love my life, i love my husband, i love my family, i love my future with them. But honestly, with out them i wouldn't be here. I need them both by my side through everything.
Right now i feel so down.

I get you, I'm going through crap that is taking me down slowly. Don't let it get to you, emotions will be emotions, they suck major ass we all know that. You're EXTREMELY beautiful, talented, funny, and utterly wonderful. Don't let anything pull you down, okay? You're much too awesome for that. c:

But I've been raised to just pick myself up on my own but i feel like i can't this time...


Language: English