
Gio Alexis

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I saw you on fb and I thought you were cute saw you in person and I was like dam shes even more beautiful<3

asdffghjk c':

Ud lovee to tell u i really do but im scurred of ruining our friendship /.\ we barely met this year btw if it helps :p

Ohhh okay(/.\)
Well i would want you to tell me, but i don't want to ruin our friendship either, if its that good s you make it say o.o >.<

Hi(: i have a crush on u /.\ i think ur really pretty weird and sweet

Really? c':
Do you wanna tell me who this is?:3
And thanks ^u^

A girl that you have known for a few years. We hung out like 3 or 4 times (/.\)

Tell me who it is through Facebook?:o

You're such a beautiful person! And I've liked you for years now but I don't think I'm you're type (/.\)

Who's this?:o

Because You are the perfect woman <3 i don't think i am the perfect boy but i will make You very happy every day (/.O) <3.<3

Well thanks :3

Honestly I think ur so dam gorgeous ^.^ , we should talk more /.^ <33

Awww thank you (/u\)
I'm down if you're not a rapist or anything :3
First, what's your name?(x

Hola (: mi nombre es Rubén :$ tengo tiempo que te tengo agregada en fb, y siempre e creído que eres muy bonita :$ me gustaría conocerte :$$ si me das una oportunidad c: gracias por tu tiempo bonita c:

Oweee gracias c':
Of course we can talk ^u^


Language: English