
Gio Alexis

Ask @Gioalexis99

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On a scale of 1-10, your beauty should be rated at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \^.^/

Awww! Gee! c':

If You Have 45 Pancakes In Your House & 23 Apples In The Gutter Of Your Roof .... What Is The Exact Number Of The Sun's Mass ?

Purple because nobody likes school.
Liked by: Papi Gordo

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people that talk shit to you through here are stupid /.- they jealous. well i honestly think your really beautiful :')

Aww(/.^) Gee thank you!((':

Damn a lot people say they look up to on here, why? What is it that you do that every other 16-18 wants to do the same?

I'm myself.
But you see in this generation, every other girl tries so hard to be the latest trend or try to fit in from smoking to gettin bad grades.
But me? I do me. Just me. Head up all the time. Nothing and no one will ever bring me down.

I¨m gonna pop some taaaaags only got 20 dollas in ma pockeet ♫ turruururruurur c':

Ahsgywvaianayahveheg <--- me trying to reap like Macklemore. -u-

You are so beautiful, I wish we were friends /.\ stay awesome n.n/

Aww thank you!(':
Well we can be as long as you respect that I'm taken:3
You too \(^o^

Good morning Beautiful!! I hope you have a great day!!! Keep being awesome!!! :D.

Good morning stranger! Thank you:D You too!(':

Avia una vez un perro que se llamaba pegamento, se callo y se pego! c: jafghhdfakjdfsafda soy muy funny :v

JAJAJAJAJA. Muy funny c':

How do you get your hair so long?:o its so prettyyy!

Thank you!
And well i take REALLY good care of it:o (/.\)

Well thank you c': & I would but I can't message you on fb i'm just following you u.u

What's your name? c:

Hey umm… you will probably never know who I am but I just wanted to tell you that you are truly very pretty & i'm not just saying it like most of these people I actually mean it you are like very beautiful & also confident but hey you have a reason to (':

Well why don't you tell me? c:
Thank you by the way c':
But you should always remember that you, yourself, are very pretty as well.
Head up okay! c':

Ugh. You are like perfect. Beautiful body, face, smile, and hair. :(( wish I had your great genes c:

You're my role model Gio!! You helped me in so many ways. I idolize you so much!!!! Keep it up!

Oh my (/o\) Thank you!!! Thank you so much!(':


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