
Gio Alexis

Ask @Gioalexis99

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why did you and german break up? o:

Don't worry about it, that between me and him.
It's nobody else's business:bb

would you rather get all your teeth pulled out one by one or get your nails and toe nails pulled out with vise grips?

Why must you ask such violent questions D;
My nails>.< They'll grow back. Teeth won't._.

i am the eyes in the back of your head when you feel as if someone is watching you! you wont even know i was there but if you wake up with some thick black hairs in your mouth know that the deed has been done! :)

And when you wake up with out a dick or balls, know that THAT deed has been done. c':

Would you rather be in a room with a gorilla on meth or get stabed in your P ?

Get stabbed in my P.
Then sew it up and shit at the hospital.

im gunna drag my hairy ballsack across your face while you sleep tonight! >:)

I don't know weather to first say its creepy how you know where i live.
Or to say if you do i cut them off with a knife.

well it isnt a secret once it is told to the person it is about! ive been infatuated with you from the second i saw you! :)

Awwwww!!! ccc': Well gee(/.^)

you wanna know a secret?

Not really, i don't like secrets :c
Cause i feel like I'm holding a lie inside of me u.u
But okay c:

have you sucked on a pair of tits other than your momas!?

This is very inappropriate.
Go home and was your mouth out with soap.

Ha we're do you find all these pictures with funny words on them

In Carly's tits. You can find anything in there.

Beautifull...perfect....and.....omg *-* My first impression about you :3

Awww(': Thank you! cccc':


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