
Gio Alexis

Ask @Gioalexis99

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She looks like a crackhead forreal, i wouldn't be surprised if she comes out a fuck up.

Bitch, hop off my shit. And hop off her tits.

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I have a fade and I'm fucking sexy I've been told i look like Ti's brother from ATL for real not lying

Aiiaii, pictures or its not true. >:o

I also remember that you would wear alot of lip gloss it was weird you lips would look like if you put jelly on them but other than that you would have freckles they were sexy

Lololol (x Wel now my lips are amazing c': xD
I still have them c': Thank you! ccc': (/u\)

Can I see you naked?*-* just once and ill be your slave !:)

You can imagine me naked then bring me some starbucks? c':

Carly is fucking ugly and looks like a crackhead.

Carly is fucking beautiful. Shut the fuck up bitch.

Tyga has a fade and you keep on posting about yo marrying him and stuff you feel me, i know you feel me ;)

But Tyga is an exception. Tygas fucking hot. Shieeeet.

Haha straight up and Carly is one if them

Fuck NO.
Carly is the best one in Franklin. I love my best friend:*
Fuck outta here, you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying.

Mija no se te Olvide lavar Los Platos ehh

No, fuck you.
My mom doesn't talk like that. JOKES ON YOU.

Gio, your so beutiful, can I wife you up?:') Youre more than perfect, your amazing. :') :*

Thank you, my names Gio, and you are? c':

Gio ,your so beutiful, can I wife you up?c': *o* Your perfect..

Well why don't we start by introducing ourselves(/.^) c':

I love the way you dress c: Your perfffff , its not even fair . ): <3

Awww thank you! c': I have flaws. I do:/ Everybody has flaws sweet heart :c
You're probably really beautiful, you should be confident okay?(/.^) <3.

I fkn respect you gio c,: I dont know you but i wish i did:/ but ive never heard nothing that has made me lose my respect for you, you got a great reputation and keep it that way. Gio n,n Whenever you need something gio i would be gladly to help you (: Hope you have a good day:) -Alan Zambrano-

Awwwww!!!! THIS was so like oh my gosh. Thank you Alan. This means a lot. Like for real, waking up in the morning and seeing this? c': Amazing. Well i hope YOU have an amazing day Alan c':


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