
Gio Alexis

Ask @Gioalexis99

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Why do u want 2 know who this is? (muah)

Because, a random guy/girl is giving me kisses. i want to know who is doing this>:c

<3 hmu shawty. il let cha ride my 5 in.

No. You probably have a baby dick. Pinchi 2 inch wonder, how cute c':
It's tiny c':

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What's your take on the conjuring?? x)

I think its not real i mean a lot of movies say they are, some are, some aren't. The ones that aren't just do it to make more money and make it more dramatic. Ya know? So i would have to watch it myself before i give a honest real opinion (x

Ive always been so timid, but, i really like you! But your taken :/ i still wish you guys the best

Who's this?
What's your name start with?

Haha well I didn't pass my math models 4th and 6th six weeks so if I don't finish them this last week and a half I won't be able to take algebra 2 and I won't be able to graduate with my class :/

bboyundead777’s Profile PhotoHector Martinez
Fuck, so many like words i didn't read it all but seems tough man :c Hopefully i graduate this school year c': And you too! Wish you best of luck!
Liked by: Hector Martinez

How do you make your hair looks so pretty?(: it's so afghkl. *-*

Uy thank you!(/*u*\) Well its natural(/.\)

/u\ ♥ ↓

Oh stop(/.^) i don't even know who yo are, you can be a kitty for all i know and you're all sweet and shit c':

Haha dam xD so you want to graduate bad it's almost the same story with me x)

who's this? tell me your story child c':

I think your the most BEAUTIFUL girl I could ever imagine ♥ to bad ill never have a chance . .-.

AWWWW!(/u\) gosh(/o\) Who's this?>.< REVEAL YO SELF!


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