
Gussanito Ew

Ask @GiselleElizabeth

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aww I like your background!! lol What do you think about IM5?

Dalton Rapattoni
I also love my background! ♥ I think are incredible, and also are too cute * - *. I love you sing beautiful voice, incredible dance especially in Go, but I would love to come to Chile to know them, would be part of my dream (impossible). Why ask me a question so difficult?. I think a lot about you ever think of writing not terminate. Just love them! :3.
I do not know if you can do me a favor only if you can do it, They could record a video for me and a friend please? It's another part of my dream (I have many dreams I know). Thanks for asking, Love you SO much * - * ♥
Wow never in my life had so inspired me to answer something!

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¿Qué frase uses a menudo?

Em... creo que siempre digo: yo no soy chillona. y ahora me doy cuenta de que si lo soy e.e
Liked by: Cony♡

¿Tienes alguna fobia extraña?

shi :c a las arañas, a los goblos :z y los ascensores me marean y me dan cosita :c
Liked by: Cony♡


Language: English