
Lexi Lust♡

Ask @GlitterAttackxo

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If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

I've been in contact with my friends mom, and the person that said the plug was pulled, was wrong. My friend is still in a coma at the moment and I will be going to see her tomorrow. If I could live anyone's life for a day, it would be hers. I would want her to feel alive just one more time, be able to walk around, eat on her own, be able to talk just one last time. I would want to take all the pain away from her. I wouldn't want her to have to deal with this any longer. If I could just get a prayer from everyone, that would be wonderful. With the condition that she is in right now, she has little to no brain activity. The machine was removed and she can breathe on her own, and the lower half of her brain is working. But the top half, where everything "happens" is not working. I really do not want to lose her, and neither does everyone else that had known her. Please pray that she comes out of this 100%! The doctors say its more than likely she will go into a vegitative stage, we need to make sure this doesn't happen.
My friend, she has made a lot of mistakes, as we all have. She was a very depressed person, as we all have been at one point. But nobody deserves this. Please pray that God gives her a second chance.
Now, DO NOT LIKE THIS & not actually pray for her and help us all out.
Take 2 seconds out of your day and do something good. Help someone.
Thank you, love you all <3

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thots just never stop SMH http://ask.fm/giftedbella/answer/119136538941

Here ya go.
Here's something to talk about.
Leave the girl alone.
It's an ass. Get over it.
People see it every time u walk out in public, what's the difference taking a picture?
I work out, stay tone, & work hard for my body. If you're anything like me, fuck yeah you wanna show it off. Pride baby.


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