
Guardian Dreamer

Make up snappy names for your RP ships.

What, you mean ships focusing JUST on my characters, or ships involving my characters and someone else's, or maybe you mean my ships in general and it doesn't have to involve my characters at all...? I need some kind of hint here. ... Oh well, guess I'll go for my ships in general, then. (Note: These range from canon to semi-plausible to crack to hate ships and everything in-between.)
Yumina/Ryouji - Opposite Treasures
Kame/Michio - Kamichio
Kokoro/Yasui - Kosui
Narome/Kea - Kearome
Drey/Narome - Dreyome
Exa/Kenneth - Assassinshipping
Saori/Moshi - Saoshi
Heako/Akira - Heakira
Kyouji/Everyone in UDR - Group Hug Shipping
... I originally had more separate names for Kyouji ships, but decided it was kind of ridiculous when about half of this list was Kyouji crack ships. So I shortened it.

Latest answers from Guardian Dreamer

RP Prompt: Your best friend is about to jump from a tall building! What do you do?

Tell them that I'm there for them and I'd miss them if they were gone and so would a lot of other people. And that things are never as hopeless as they seem, and that there are many great people willing to help.

When is cannibalism acceptable, if ever? And why do you think that?

Cannibalism is okay if you're in a really creepy VN and your name is Saya or Fuminori Sakisaka. Except it isn't because seriously that's creepy and disturbing and why.

Favorite Koopaling?

You know I was going to make a joke about Roy and FE Roy, but I really dislike FE Roy, so that plan's a bust. I don't know. I guess I'll go with Ludwig just because him being named after Beethoven is amusing to me.

What emoji do you wish existed?

I don't know, but this made me think of Emo Kyouji, which made me think of that drawing of Kyouji with Hazuki's color scheme, though I don't think he was really "emo" there either. ... What were we talking about again?

Language: English