
Garrett VanGilder

Ask @Gvg1808

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Do u think te girls should ask the bit out over txt or ft or have a friend do it?

Ft so the boy can see the girls face

Do I like me

If u have my number or Instagram or snapchat then send me something on one of them and I will say yes or no

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Hiiiiiii who r ur best friends that r girls

Becca fugat,Emily sanders,lydia braugher,Amanda trubiano,ashlyn smith

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Playing every sport like its the last game you will ever play

Would you rather marry the last person you liked (not the person you liked most recently, but the one before that) or marry a completely random stranger?

Umm random stranger

If u could sniff a banana or a palm tree or any kid on your baseball or any peice of grass would u do that or would u go ride a circus ride and get open for a pass but then again how can u be a football player WHEN UR LIVIN IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER


If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

My friend Tyson and new york


Language: English