Kylie Lau


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hahahha yea

she is super cute and awkwardzz, i always have a fun time when i hang out with her!!. i can tell her my stuff and i can relate to her and she can relate to me.

but you don't sound pessimistic at all, you're always laughing in church

bc i always fool ard w my friends and we joke all the time. is it weird to not be pessimistic????😧😧😧

why do you always seem so happy in church? Do you not have any probs with anything?

Hahahaha im not a cheerful person la.... maybe its just that everytime u see me im smiling or laughing lolololol..... Of course i have my issues, i probably just dont express myself so much in church lor...

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

Grateful for my family and friends and everything that i have

Rant here cmon

Hahahah ofc i wont!!! But theres a lot of shit gg on in my mind lately and ill be fine after my exams lol, every year has been like that...

you seem a little bit more quiet in church the other day. are u doing fine ? Usually you are pretty active ;3

yea im having a lot of stress and issues lately......haizzzzz just gta rant to friends around 😕Who r u?

Are you supportive of clarice's action?

In this case ofc not. i djd talk to her abt this matter very deeply...but i guess what matters most is her and how shes gna handle it??sry cant say much but ya shes fine la

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

90210 - blackbear
talk - kodaline
let it go - james bay


Language: English