
Scott's Fanpage

LoooooooooL shes pathetic. Its immature af to ignore u and dont talk u ... shes a coward

Her choice... the ones who know me, know i am always open to talk, confronts and clean things out... but i am not the one who failed so it’s not up to me to run behind anyone to talk. If she doesn’t care to message me, then i don’t care either

Latest answers from Scott's Fanpage

Hows life after quarantine?

Amazing ! Seems almost unreal to be able to walk around to the town again hahaha

When did hailie say she has a busy life ?

I don’t know😅😅 but possible i missed it somewhere hahahaha

So how hailie was in houston if eminem doesnt have a house there ?

Lmfao there do exist hotels? ... her boyfriends family members live there so she probably stayed over there

Kerola claims she wanted to message u but then u made her change her mind cause u said she disappointed ya🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 IT IS R I D I C U L O U S and I M M A T U R E omg i’m rollin go

I hardly believe at this point she wanted to message me at first... i mean, if i would be het, and someone would say i am their disappointment, it would just MOTIVATE me to talk with the person i failed with... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Why Whitney is not active on socials anymore ? Does she have any problems (mental health or at school) ?

She has reasons

Hailie says she has a busy life (at least when it's not quarantine). Do you know how she spend her time ? I mean does she have a normal job? Or does she just spend time doing shopping and making photo for Instagram ?

Lmfao making photos for instagram once you’re an influencer is a real job actually 🤣
And idk now honestly, but she used to have a job not so long ago... she spends time with family, friends... basically anything people her age do.

Language: English