
Hailey stamps

Ask @Haileystamps

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Union guy friends?

There's a bunch ( sorry If I forget to name everyone )
Most guys on the wrestling team
Tristin is my bæ ❤
So is Joey
Joey lazo is my kardashian
Andrew Rooker is my secret buddy/rookie cookie
Chris D is pretty chill
Chris Lewis is cool to but is bad a tying shoes
Jt is a looser
Just met Nic he's really cool and my #twin
There's more but the list is long soooo ya

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Imitate Katie

"I don't get it"
"I can do that later"
"I can do this in five minutes"
"Oh I forgot"
"Please I'm a girl wrestler"
"Wait! We learned this in class!"
"You suck"
*laughs at everything remotly funny
"Ok so what's our cover story"
"Remember we're 15"
"Can I eat that?"

Hailey you are gorgeous :) <3 -Megan Simone

Thank you so much! I haven't seen you in so long we lost touch, we have to get together sometime soon


Language: English