
sheikh basheer

Ask @HajiFarisBasheer

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Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

The last time i bought a shirt.....was 7 month ago

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berapa lama anda pernah setia menunggu seseorang?

Setia like dia dh suka aku?
Or dia putus ngan aku tpi aku still setia?
If the latter, 5 years. Will move on inshaallah

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Wind...cuz its unlimited resource and can control any reaction by using different gas

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

Faris basheer

What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

My parents are strict so i dont even know what they allowed me to do


Language: English