
Haley Snemis

Ask @Haleynicole33

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Thoughts on mallory babcock

MALLORYYY(: she's one of the prettiest girls I know.shes so beautiful and funny and nice. She gets so much hate on ask, and it puzzles me because how can you say something so rude to someone who is so sweet? She is so kind and giving. I miss when we were best friends): those were the days. I still think if her as one of my best friends now and no one can change that. She knows if she ever needs to talk I'm here. She's also like my moms favorite HAHAHAHA(: I love her to death and we need to hangout ASAP!<3

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Hahaha lol no im not being sarcastic at al im telling the truth ur a very nice person and ur easy to talk to

Haha thanks(: may I know who this is?(:

Thoughts on victoria evans

BITCHY-TORIA(: she's my main hoe(; she is seriously my best friend. She was my first friend when I moved to Chesterton in 4th grade. I remember exactly how we became friends, and the park bench we sat on aha(: we both shared mutual weirdness. Hahaha(: she had this hair that was like partially bleached and I had these hot glasses and oh dear lord we were quite the pair. Hahaha(: we've had fights before where i hated her. We always made up and agreed it was stupid. She's been there for me through my toughest times in life. When my grandma died in 6th grade and I couldn't even stand because I was crying so hard, she sat on the bathroom floor with me and held me while I cried, I ran to her house when I got in a fight with my mom once, I called her crying when I had my first real heartbreak, and she has talked me out of doing some really stupid things. She has also ratted me out for doing some really stupid things...HAHAHA(: ill never forget the time I snuck out and she told my mom.. Hahahaha(: we have developed an understanding over the years that makes us inseparable. We have the best times when were together and Monday night we just about peed our pants laughing so hard. I love that girl to death. She's my other half.<33

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Lol ok thoughts on micheal stokes

He's cool(: he always gets
Me him to feed my gum addiction and he's awesome at insanity hahaha(:

No it was actually fun it was scary at first until you do it then it becomes awesome

Hahahahaha(: well alright, you have a good night then. Dont die. Stay golden.

Yeah rivers really cool me river and micheal were jumping off a bridge yesterday it was so fun

Haha wtf?! That sounds dangerous..

Thoghts on river starnes

Thoughts* and River..OMG, where do I start?! Hes literally like my brother.We've been best friends since 4th grade. Weve had a few rough spots in our friendship, but he's a great guy. He's one of those people you can go to for literally anything. He's always there to help you. He's one of the sweetest and nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. And hes the best at insanity. hahahahha(:He better treat miss. Kaylinn like a princess(; love you bro(:

Thoughts on seth burcham

Seth's an awesome kid! We've had alot of ups and downs, sometimes I even hated him haha(: But he's really a great guy. If you get to know him he's one of the most trustworthy and nicest kids you'll ever meet. He always helped me with all of my problems and science class was the best haha(:

How do you even like kameron?!

If you take the time to actually get to know him, he's probably one of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet. Seriously, he's reaally trustworthy and nice!

Thoughts on kameran kane

Kameron* and dude he's awesome(: hahahaha he's honestly a really sweet kid(: he made math class the best(: he's super duper nice and pretty cool(:


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