
Hannah T

Ask @Hannah3633

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How to make a woman happy?

I Dont know all girls are different. some only want gifts and money. some only want sex. some want a slow relationship and like when you still haven't kissed in the 4th month of dating her and some just Dont give two shits

why do you always date guys younger than you. are you really just that desperate. ha. hoe

well first I don't always date guys younger than me. I've dated two guys younger than me and its not like I'm in 8th grade dating a 5th grader. The people I date is my decision not yours. Why would age even matter because my aunt and my friends mom are both married to men that are younger than them. If I have feelings for that person and they have feelings for me then why should it even matter. If you don't like it you can take it up with my butt cause its the only thing that gives a crap. I'm sorry you don't like seeing me happy with Josiah but I could careless of what you think. You don't even have the balls to say this off anon so leave me alone. Bye (:


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