

Ask @HannahBanana1210

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perfect boy?

OMFG I hate answering these kinds of questions, but whatever.....
My IDEA of a perfect boy is.....
- has this kind of hair https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/44775_474158642656186_1044458280_n.jpg
- hilarious af
- sweet/kind/gernerous/blah blah blah
- gives his hoodie :3 and lets me keep it
- makes me feel like I can be myself
- isn’t a fgt
- what almost every girl says,”tall-ish so when you hug him, you can smell his cologne”
- classy. Hahaha. Sarah...classsyyy xP
- athletic :3
- romantic...omfg I can’t believe I said this >.<
I think that is it...omg...so long D:


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