
Hannah Finlan

Ask @HannahFinlan

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Would you ever shun somebody and make fun of them with your friends?

definitely not. that is beyond cruel.

Have you ever smoked weed or done drugs?

Once in grade eight my friends and I said we would try smoking tea... We never did

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Happy Valentines Day Hannah. You are absolutely wonderful and lovely and extremely beautiful. I hope your day was filled with love. You make me smile (:

wow thank you sososoososososo much <3

What's your opinion on nice guys?

nice guys are nice guys but every guy is different so I don't have an opinion on "nice guys" as a whole

Thanks for hating on me and treating me like shit for no reason asshole.

1) putting this on ask.fm does not solve anything, considering I have no idea who this is 2) calling me an asshole doesn't start it off on the right note 3) who still uses ask.fm???????? 4) If you have an issue come talk to me about it please

so moving on to another girl is the best thing to do right now?

yes! you deserve someone who likes you as much as you like her

but hannah lets say she doesnt like me anymore what do i do next? :/

if she doesn't put the time into talking to you then don't waste time on her!

To my anon friend (Don't know how to contact you so I am just gonna use Hannah's ask lol sorry). If the girl just randomly stopped talking to you, She has saved you lots of trouble. If you ended up together she probably would have ended up just leaving later. Girls like that are nothing but problems

ya word up its more likely she's just mot interested

why would she do that to me in the first place? Like why would she just stop talking?

depends on the girl. it could have been she got really busy or she felt you lost interest or she lost interest. you'd have to ask her

so Hannah are you telling me she never liked me then?

no! she could have very well liked you! I don't know her point of view so i can't say what shes feeling. she might have liked you and you just stopped talking and it just sort of went away. my advice is to start talking to her again!!

I'm feeling srry for the guy who called u overweight because he's getting to much beef haha

hahaha who knows if it was a guy. and ya whatever I mean you shouldn't comment on other people's bodies

Hannah help me so i sorta had a thing with this girl but we never were official but now out no where we stop talking to each other what do i do now? I dont want to lose her :(

aweh I'm sorry to hear that you've stopped talking! if you had a thing it might have been that she just wanted a thing and not anything serious. the best thing to do is to start talking to her again and see if the spark is still there and then ask her about it (:

That person obviously does not know what an overweight person looks like....... don't listen to that idiot. You are definitely not overweight.

haha thank you! yeah it's not a big deal I just don't think it's right for others to comment on other people's bodies

Hannah you're an absolute sweetheart and wouldn't ever hurt a fly. You're body is beautiful not in a creepy way I mean it you are beautiful. Don't spend one second being down on yourself because you deserve to love every part of yourself, don't let that anon take that away from you. Smile ☺️

thank you so much i love you

So everyone is talking about how people are being mean on here, but i don't see any insults, Thats how much people luv ya i guess haha

oh yeah it was just a little body comment but I mean it's all good, no big deal. I really appreciate all the kind words though!

Hannah dearie never ever get down on yourself. You were always so sweet in grade 9 and we were the coolest flute buddies ever. You are super gorgeous and that anon needs to check themselves before they wreck themselves. You don't deserve any hate and you are perfect the way you are :)


NOBODY AHOULD DARE TO DISRESPECT HANNAH!!!! Worry about your own problems and don't bother Hannah with hate!!

aweh thank you<33333

Girl don't listen to that anon. You're perfect, literally so so perfect it hurts <3

thanks Julie<3 you're so sweet. I don't understand why someone would comment on someone else's body like helllooo you have no right to bye ://

You are so beautiful and kind, don't listen to what anybody says about you they are all just jealous.

thank you very much <3


Language: English