

Ask @HannahLeigh1

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What's the most delicious fruit?

Omg help me,I've just realised that I have to leave for school tomorrow at 7:45
I have 3 lots of homework in for tomorrow oh god:-/

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Opinion on me?♥♥

Ben Crook
our conversations are great,
You are f4b,
Always cheer me up and make me laugh:'),
Been there for me ever since I met you,
could write more but effort;-)
Love you so much!:-)

<3 Was asked to sent this to everyone I follow. Can't link to the question, because ask is being silly. AND yes you're one of the 900+ people I follow :L Follow back, if you don't already?x


Hi! I follow you. Could you like few of my answers please and help me? but if you're busy or you don't want to.. it's okay i totally understand ツ thank you ✌

Okay dennn


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