
Hanni ^_^

Ask @HannahMcCormick186

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Who do u feel youre drifting from?

Becca and Ryan I guess!
but I hope they know i'm always here if they need me and I love them x

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Your stunning I'm so jealous <3

This is the cutest thing oh gosh, thankyou:3 you've made my day! i'm sure you're gorgeous too<3

Did you delete a lot of people on Facebook or just a few?

I deleted a load to be honest, just because I felt we never talked and I felt it wasn't necessary to have them if we never even communicate I guess? idk x

What do you miss?

My friendships with a lot of people, my rabbit Major, my friends from England, living in Africa...

What do u think of Ryan and Lauren

they're cute I guess! never really seen them together, but lauren seems great, and if ryans happy im happy:)<3

Who would you say your closest friends are?

ryan, amy, joey, isla, Kirsten, cara, soph, anna & alex at the moment :3

ho of anna?

she is the cutest:3 she has rad music taste, and is hilarious and caring, so sweet, absolutelyy stunning and we can always make bad situations better:3 I hate that I don't see her as much though:(
oh gosh, I hope this toned my booty;) hi btw Anna;)

well im close with 1 of them and recently they saud they missed you

awh, well they should definitely message me:') im just far too awkward:')<3

why dont you talk to those people you drifted from

I don't really know... we just stopped talking :( and I always feel like i'm bothering people if I message them, so I don't really try to talk to them as much anymore...

What's your hair color?

bit of blonde, red and brown:') mostly brown though:')
the blonde and red, and purple, and orange, have finally been banished:')

Ho on Kirsten Clarke

so lovely, hilarious and pretty. we're pretty close i'd say? and I can trust her with anything, shes so great aw:3 love her x

Ho on Amy

im talking to my ammyyyyy, and I love her, I love her, I love heeeerrr :')
she's my fave, shes always there for me and i'll always be there for her. shes so beautiful and hilarious and I love her<3


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