

Ask @Hansonwong

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How many chapters do u have for the three sciences respectively? And I mean the first sem. Hehe just wanna compare mine with urs

Wah chapters. Forget d Lo haha. Last sem physics 1 hmm forget d. We learnt not the whole chapter it's maybe few parts of the chapter.
Currently I'm taking Chemi 1 got 8 chapters .

Where and what are you currently studying

Foundation in Science leading to engineering / architecture
UCSI University, KL Campus

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If you had to change your first name, what name would you choose?

Hmm I'm happy with my current name 😂😂 thanks my parents for this unique name .

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

Nope. I don't think I'll do that. Unless there is something happen between us. And it is very serious

Erm.... If I want to study architecture or business?

Overseas i not sure ya. But architecture in UCSI not bad. 😂 business Arh not sure Leh. Business diploma lot college Ada provide . If u need take professional business bla or double degree maybe need to go other country. No idea :) u can ask those counselor or agents like AUG or online Google search 😁 don't worry yet . Most importantly is study now haha. After spm finish u can non stop thinking about that everyday lol😂😂😂😂

Can you give me some opinion in my studies ? I would like to study overseas, but the problem is ... I am not sure which country is good for me to pursue my studies there.

What comes with your minds when u want to study overseas? Haha your financial status. It's about money money hahaha.
Either u get scholarship or u pay 😬which country is good depends on which degree u are going to study or persue 👌👍 it's almost the same, I mean degree in Malaysia and other country . Im not very sure. I heard my friends say same wor the Cert come out . Some told me got two certs . Aiya whatever . Haha. I strongly recommend u to go overseas Study if your parents can afford 😁😁 go experience different culture ya. I want to go but my parents can't afford it :) i'm not blaming ya haha. It's all depends your family. Engineering I think is Australia . Hmmm medicine England? Not sure 😅😅😅😅

What would you want to tell her on this 900 day? Type long to give her a surprise when she sees ASKfm.

From the first day I hold your hands on 16 Feb 2014 in GSC cinema, Gurney Plaza, we update our status become "in a relationship" 💕 But before that and even until today, I appreciate that you willing to spend your time with me and accompany me when I'm having problems. We share our joys with each other, we celebrate each other's birthday and even Valentine's Day although we are not couple lol since form 3. Well time flies, unfortunately, this year I can't celebrate your birthday with u in reality Bcuz that time u were in kl and i was in Penang. Yeap we did, but it's on the phone, I mean social media. Hmmm, distance doesn't make the distance between our love towards each other far huh hehe 💕💕 Too bad we missed it, hope that next year we can celebrate my birthday and your birthday together. Today it's already our 900th days since 16 Feb 2014. We went through lots of obstacles, we had lot of fun together especially photography trip and kl trip. I can't deny that it's very nice and great to have a trip with u and our friends, we had lot of quarrel before, we scolded each other with bad words, we shed tears Bcuz of quarrel and many things yet we still know both of us love each other very much😙 it's almost 3 months + I've been here I mean studying in UCSI in kl. We almost get used to it the life of getting to see each other few weeks one time. Rmb when we were form 3, when we were best friends we met in DK everyday after the school. When we were form 5, we get to see each other always in tuition centre and school. All of these good memories, I believe that they will keep in our mind forever. In KL, huh sad life, two weeks one time 😂 ok wait . I should appreciate that both of us study in same state. Who knows the future . Maybe u will proceed your further studies in other country?😭 shh I hope u won't hahaha sorry for my "selfishness" I love you so much 😫😫😫 I can't imagine when u go other country Australia or what different time zone. Life will become oh shit!☹️☹️☹️ Sometimes when I was alone, I miss our memories so much . In these 900 days, long hor? Haha . Consider short d la I guess. Not Yet 3 years tho.😇👻😖 well, when u have your life in sunway uni/college I'm same too I have my life in UCSI university, u know we have our own friends. I'm sure our personality will slightly affected by the friends surrounding us. Reality. I believe that this won't change our love towards each other right hehe. We have to accept the fate and face the coming challenges.
I'm sure that all of these memories will be our best memories "WHEN WE WERE YOUNG" I can't promise that we can maintain our relationship until having a family. Well I hope so . But it's still long way to go . I never regret since the first day I held your hands dar .
Love you, Muacks 😬😘😘

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I would like to pursue my studies overseas after graduate but the problem is I am not sure which country will good for me to continue my studies. USA, UK, China or Taiwan.

If u don't mind, can u PM me to tell u about it? 😃
Pm me fb or where also can


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