

Ask @Happyppl

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Are you a feminist?

In its actual definition yes. But I think there's a lot of other beliefs other than "equality of the sexes" that comes under feminism and most of those I stand for, though there's the occasional "feminist" idea that makes me really dislike the feminist movement.
Liked by: Elise Kemp

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Who is always there for you, even though yous aren't always close friends?

Caitlin&Shannon-mostly because they have spidey-senses about when there's something wrong with me and NEVER let it go until I tell them what's wrong👏🏻
Liked by: Shan♡

Who do you think should be the next president?

Bernie Sanders omg
Donald is a racist rich asshole and people only like Hillary because she's a female. Bernie is legit the coolest&nicest and there's only a few things he says or believes that I disagree with👏🏻not that it matters because I'm not even a US citizen😅
Liked by: Charlie Murray

ur pic is slutty

1-"sluts" and "sluttiness" isn't a thing so lol @ ur asshole-ness
2- wow didn't realise selfies could have sexual partners woah my bad
Liked by: chloe Ellie

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

Things change, but tbh I think I've stayed pretty much the same person for the last year or so🌵
Liked by: Cameron A


Language: English