
Haris Raza

Ask @HarisRaza652

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Okay,honestly I stalked your profile and I must say..your vocabulary is AH-MAZING! You seem like a decent guy as in very shareef :P and you are cute :Dhey are u frm Middle East int'l Skool coz the uniform is quite similar.if so? *hi5*:p P.s I've become ur secret admirer wish I'd ur fb profile :p jk

Okay, I am really Thankful to you for this opinion, but Its not That Amazing, its just average, Guzara ho jata hai :P
And Its the Unifrom of JArIS so no High Five :P (Kidding). I dont use FB now-a-days so you can have my IG: hydronium_ion.
Thankx for this encouragement, people around use to make fun, you know :')

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