
HarleyJayne Tisdale

Ask @HarleyTisdalee

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Kinda already know who said it lol

Well then why you bothering to ask me a question that doesn't need to be answered. Just pointlessly trying to cause shit.

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opinion on Leah? ;) ;) totallynotleah

Oh lord,
I'm tired, but I'll try
Leah is a babe, we're actually alike, in the sense that we like to bitch and have similar music tastes, get annoyed at the same things and just seem to get each other.
I've always been close with Leah tbh, and I trust her and she's beautiful and so nice and kind hearted, she honestly doesn't deserve half the shit she gets. She's been through a fair bit and I'm happy to stick by her regardless of what bitchy, two faced dickheads say. She's a a babe! She is always welcome in our group of friends, whether she wants to be there or not.
I've enjoyed her's and Esme's company so much this holiday and so have the rest of the girls, and hopefully there is still plenty more to come.
Love you Leah!
And Esme!
Liked by: leah (:

what do you think about Leah and Esme hating you a while ago ?

Well, tbh, I've always been close with Leah.
And if they did honestly hate me so long ago, it doesn't matter anymore, because they love me now, ahah. And I like them also!
Liked by: leah (:

Why don't you stop answering questions about tom that way no one gets hurt if u answer them and talk about him when he can't see them in my book that's being bitching if u two are over why do and YOUR friends keep dragging it up both of you move on and forget

Well shut up then


"If any of Tom's friends would either like to message me directly or kindly get off my ask i'd appreciate it. Im on here to get asked questions and have a laugh, not cause shit and drag other peoples names through the mud. So if you don't mind, please leave"

You're relationship is over tbh so what's the point in being a bitch about him here instead of actually to him? He's not doing the same to you I don't think, he's moved on right? So saves being so childish just leave him be and stop with the hate. Breakups do happen it's life :)

Woah, was I bitching about him? Nahh. People are asking and saying stuff, so I'm just responding to most of it. And as for him not being childish? You didn't see him and his friends on Saturday?

i meant tom was talking to other girls because ur not good enough for him lol

Ohh, yeah, I know, thankyouu!✌

He's moved on by the looks of it when I saw him in town Sunday anyway.He looks happy for once, but it's none of your business anymore is it

Aww, that's nicee for him, glad he's moving on :)
Maybe he can stop throwing shit and at me and getting his friends to constantly harass me now?!? Thankyou :)

Why are you so vile? You just take whatever you can off people and use them? Not to mention all the times you've bitched about your friends to us then love them the nest day? It's wrong tbh

Woahhh, someone had some guts to post this, obviously not enough guts to come off anon though, ahah. So why don't you pop up or something?
And as for bitching about my friends, all I'm going to say is... "HA"

tom was chatting girls up on facebook u never was special

Ayyy, see what I mean, not what you all think. But yeah, thankyouu for this!
Pop up if I know you please? :) x

He has a girlfriend? Oh I didn't realise. But at the end of the day, you wouldn't suddenly get so close to Conor if you were so loved up to him

I've always been close to Conor, he's there for me no matter what, and yeah, he fucked up once in the past, but he hasn't stopped apologising for that.
But that's beside the point, you don't know jack all about the situation, so please don't presume.
Tom and my relationship was not what you all thought it was, but it's up to you what you want to believe, so yeah....

Will it hurt you to see tom moving on if he ever does?

If he ever does?! Aha, he's already got a girlfriend and is saying 'I love you' to her, ahah.
I obviously wasn't that special, so yeah it does hurt a little, but mahn, I'll get over it!✌
Liked by: Alex wright

Just like to point out I (Alex) was not bitching about Morgan :) I was speaking to Leah most of the time (Y)

Mate, did I even say that Alex, don't be a bitch, I said Friday, and as for just talking to Leah, fhat wasn't the only thing you were doing
Calm downnn
Liked by: Alex wright

The only people that dont bitch about morgan are her 2 friends from year 9 lol x

Oh lord, who is this, you are hilarious!?! X


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