
Harshita Arora

Ask @HarshitaArora481

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Uah english is so osom girl!!! Tips???

Seems like you read the answer to mu last question .
All I'll say is indulge in reading , reading anything . Be it a book , be it newspaper or even your school textbook . And love the language , it'll reciprocate .

U r so girlie , and ur overacting . Leave all drama

Man! That's natural
And how do you expect a girl to act like , some guy . Duh! Learn the art of showering praises , I am sucker for flattery . :-P

do you know of any other apps that are like Chatous?

The question left me perplexed , i don't know about any such app :-P (**delving into my social networking Bible) .

Ohkay i want to ask something ,Why do you keep on changing your friends ?

I don't change them . I am a social butterfly and get along with everyone well . I do make new friends but at the same time keep the old ties intact .

Ever fallen for anyone?

Never did fall for anyone, though had a lion's share of infatuations but not the true love. Infatuations many , loved none :-P

no birthday plans :(

no! not yet! and i dun thnk will make any :(
dis tym m in no disposition to celebrate :p

any plans for vacations??

yup!! family trip ,gng out wid frends and sneaking out secretly :p
and fun! fun! fun!

hello mis... who said i'm cheesy No No No....i hate cheese :P i'm hot and spicy :D :P ;)

oh really!! mah opinions are in antithesis to this
cheesy uh :p

yeh hasin wadiyan yeh khula asman :p

aagye hum kahan aee mere anonymous frend :p
google the lyrics and stop pissing me off wid these kinda questionjs

harshita arora missing :p

harshita arora ain't missing :p look out fr her in ur heart will find her dere :p
and if dun den dun worry she is on planet earth only ain't deported to venus :p

u know namit ?? :O i know he is cute and awesome for me.. well.....how u know him ?? and what are your about him ??

cheesy him :p and namit i noe its uh :p

If you were going to be trapped naked in a room with 1 random person from earth your exact age starting now for the next 24 hours, would you want it to be male or female?

this time lets go with a female :p
i have lost all mah interest in men :p
homosexuality is the new sexy :p

missed u alot. finally aa gyii aaj

hahahah.. sad on ur part bt i didn't miss uh at all :p
bt thaks fr missing me and do keep missing me :p
love harshita :-*

What is your favorite love story movie?

twilight! the teenage fantasy :-*
the unconditional,irrevocable love of two souls :-*


Language: English