

I literally can't stop cutting! I hve tried distracting myself with guitar, writing poetry, music and I just can't. For fucks sake what is the point?

exactly. whats the point of cutting yourself? making yourself feel more painful? showing people that your weaker than them? please stop cutting your worth a lot i fucking swear.
Liked by: Shannon Lowrie
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Latest answers from SecretKeeper

My best friend has turned into a bully and she is being mean to a lot of people ! I can't trust her anymore , and I don't have anyone else but her what can I do ?? Plus she is talking about me behind my back and makes up lies about thing to cover her back please help xx

Well, she's your best friend so you have to discuss it and if she doesn't like it then it's your choice to either be her friend or just leave her..

Fuck u have terrible advice like the one about a bf who smokes pot an has a lot of sex if se likes him she should go out with him Fucking shit advice

I'm helping people and people are still hating on me?? Wow.

Okay, i am 15 and there is this guy who means the world to me, i have known him since i was about 9. but the problem is that he is 18 and is going into the marines what should i do?

talk to him about it, and try to convince him not to leave.

I feel attracted to an older guy, but I'm scared that if we were to date(i think he likes me too), that people would say stuff and judge. What should I do?

Do whatever you want.
Its your life not theirs babe.

but i dont wanna go through everything she went through. what should I do?

I think youre going through a lot a very young age, and this is not right because you have to havr somethingto look back to, please visit someone who is more professional than I am. I think you need help, you should move in somewhere of tyou dont mind leaving I honestly dont know. You have to visit someone please!
good luck.

Language: English