
Hershies Layton

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

Uhhh like 2 days I think
I'm sometimes not sure when I'm sleeping and when I'm daydreaming
Today in class? Daydreaming. Wednesday during form? Sleeping. I think.

Latest answers from Hershies Layton

What horrible disease did the new version of Ask.FM give you?

I'm so confused how does this work what happened to you ask.fm

What movie can you watch over and over again?

Anything my sister gets her hands on.
...There's not really any choice involved there, though.

Hershel, we were thinking of using your marks from this subject to supplement your marks in GDology to allow you to still pass the course, rather than failing or being held back. However, upon review, your last assessment on Rena-Homura comparisons was too far below average. Please rewrite it.

Renigma Ryuugu
Prof Enigma
You failed everybody for that assessment
Nobody was good enough

Language: English