
Hershies Layton

Ask @HersheysChocolates

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RP Prompt: Akai wakes up and finds the DRRP cast all alive... and very angry.

Gee 7 Month Ago Anon, you really think I could RP Akai? I can't RP other people's characters without their permission!

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What are your magical powers? We need to do more magical girl things~

kwando1313’s Profile PhotoKwando!
I still haven't actually decided what MG!Me has powers of, but I'm sure it's something amazing. Like the power to never lose their tablet pen.
Liked by: Kwando! sleuth

Who is your favorite RP character you don't own?

Either Isis or Cal, off the top of my head. With consideration, Isis - Higami, then Cal. Does Akai count? I like the headcanons Enigma and I made. NO WAIT. Akai's girlfriend is best character.
Liked by: Renigma Ryuugu

Hershel, we were thinking of using your marks from this subject to supplement your marks in GDology to allow you to still pass the course, rather than failing or being held back. However, upon review, your last assessment on Rena-Homura comparisons was too far below average. Please rewrite it.

RenigmaRyuugu’s Profile PhotoRenigma Ryuugu
Prof Enigma
You failed everybody for that assessment
Nobody was good enough
Liked by: Renigma Ryuugu

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

Oh gosh I'd like to think so
Looking at 2014 me is ;_____;
I think the biggest thing is becoming more positive! Although that's more of a recent thing. Overall... Studying harder?
Liked by: Kwando!

Describe 6 other AAOers with one word

Going to take this as I get one word per AAOer. And iunno but I'm doing words that remind me of those people.
Sleuth = Dleuth/Quill
Thally = Equation/Photosynthesis/Catalyst
DWaM = Awful/Why/Stubble
Kwandsy = Magical/Politeness/Friendship
Fiendy = Gigi/gigi/GIGI
NyanNyan = Check/Calcium hydrogencarbonate/WaytoonicedangitNN;-;
Liked by: Kwando!

What's the last photo you took on your phone? Post it!

Going to do this honestly.
...Apparently Girl Scout cookies. Good to know. They're delicious btw.
And you have all avoided seeing my face for another day ahahahaha
Liked by: Kwando!

Who do you admire the most right now?

I admire a lot of people, so I can't really choose a 'most'. I admire how nice and selfless Kwandsy is, I admire Thally's logical sense, I admire a lot of things about NN... There are things I admire about my mom, too?
Artist-wise, I hold a lot of admiration for Nardack, Rimapichi, Sleuth, Yamio, kronpr1nz... You know. Inspirational people. Oh. And Sakimichan. 63k a month. That's the dream.
More broadly, currently admiring the author of the mystery I'm reading now. The more I read, the more I find things that really make me get my hopes up for the solution. (And the more I want to solve it, but by nature I'm a Readeeeeer ;-; )
Also. People that can draw without sketching anything. And traditional artists. And people that can sleep through Specialist classes and get top marks on exams. ;____;

View more

Liked by: Kwando!

Today is Women's Equality Day! Who do you think is the greatest woman in history?

Simply because I'm the only active ask.fm of the AAO community that can say that.
(Unless Dleuth is a Dleuth and answers this with Isisylvie
Liked by: Kwando!

What's your favorite accent?

Is this where I have to say an obligatory 'Croatian', because nah. British accents are too good <3
(Clive's voice represents all British accents right)
Liked by: Kwando!

PAP of where you want to be right now?!

how on earth are you expecting me to go to a different country right now to take a photo
Liked by: Kwando!

Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

Some person's UTAU. I just like the colouring I did for the hair okay ;-;
Although, now it's Beato. ...There is no meaning okay Beato's just cool okay yaaaaay Beatoooo
Liked by: Kwando!

What is your favorite hobby?

Liked by: Kwando!

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Liked by: Kwando!


Language: English