
Hiba Al-Alem.

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Hhhh :) ft7tele jro7 2deme tbn -_- lol la msh hek enu bs 5s uk keef mo ? :3 anyway Ana de 2ro7 2nam :3 ttyl :) nighty :)

ik ik :') sry ,,
hhhh oki tsba7e 3la 5er :))

Awwwwwww mazkaaaa :') dm3t :') you are both lucky to have each other:) alla y5lekom la b3ad :)

hhhh thxx <33 :'))
amen <3 w y5lelk sa7batk :D

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Tb hay el sfa mwajode bsa7batk mo? Tb Ente hek law eja 7d s2lk " what do you mean when you say a Friend? " esh btjawbe?

It's rare to find someone to love same things you love , someone to share your intrests , your thoughts have almost the same mind same thinking especially the dirty ones & have that huge imagination
someone to make you smile just by talking to , someone who won't sleep untill she make sure you're not sad or crying a friend who stays up at night just to talk to u ''sorry about that '' :p
a friend who understands you by your eyes , face expressions , looks , smiles wether it's real or fake , someone when you ever needed u can find there waiting forward to help u , somone who has never let you down , someone you'll feel lost if u hadn't spoken to for one day , someone you can't live without , or u dnt knw how to live .
Someone whom you'r mostly afraid to lose
somone with thousands of memories tears smiles laughs Jokes
someone whom you feel grateful for ,, for standing by your side , wiping your tears off , make you smile when u think happiness doesn't exist anymore , make u rise up when u fall
Somebody who simply Loves u without expecting anything in Return <3<3<3 ,
Someone i'd love to call my daughter with her name in future :$ like a little butterfly <3
hay la hadeel <3

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Lol xP bone 8ame2 :3 bone lol xP ummmmm 2ktr eshy enha rkon jambe law sho ma sar , o Ente sho 2ktr esh bt7be bsa7btk?

bone ah hhhhh :p
enu btfham 3lai men don ma a7ki w ma bt7ke 3lai men wrai ...

Idiot oltele ah ? -_- Wk maho 3shan gek es2lene 8erhom :3

hahahaha :p sry bmz7 <3 :p
ummm mhw ana b3rfkish mu 3arfi shu as2l :3
shu lon 3yunik ?
Shu aktr sefa bt7beha b sa7batk b shkl 3am ?

Lol ! La bs wk had eshy 7elo ! Mashe msh dayman bs naderan ma tla2e 7d hek!

nu mesh 7elo :/ a3tet la nas forsa ma besta7e2oha :/
enseki yla kman :p

Hhhhhhh twado3 fazee3 :O tyb hmmm sho 2ktr eshy ma bt7be b7alk?

la bamza7 msh tsad2e :p bs enu le akrah 7ale mesh nfsye brdu
eshe ma b7bu :/ eni bsam7 kter w bnsa kol ishe mu mne7 3mlo m3i el nas ! W i can't hate anyone even if i wanted to /:

tb lol yala 7dsene :3

hahahahahahaha shu a7ke la a7ke :p i may look calm but am not :p bs la bshkel 3am batalet musha3'be zai zman :p
yla kmle as2le :p,,,

hhhhhhhhhhh loool loool fya3a ama xP jay m3k :3 tb 2sw2 sf ?

saf 8 i hate it :3
lol yes u dnt knw anything abt me xp

hhhhhhh lol :3 tyb ummmmm ummmm 27la saf mr 3leke ? mn 2wal la 3asher

saf 9 a7la eshe kan ! Nfse arj3lu ://
kna 5 7esas 3nd anse 3'ada aw anse nareman w 7sten bl saf xp it was amazing :p

ah eshy hek :3 enshalah btjebe 23la mnha bkteer :) meen 27la 2wal wela tawjehe o msh mn na7yt el drase enu hek bshkl 3am

both bjnenu :D ! Le2nu my class is the same and it's the best of all <3<3

lol tyb xP yala nkml :3 2desh mtwaq3a tejebe bl wzare ?

hhhhh esh y3ne mesh menhom ??
Umm wa b3rf bs nshallah fo2 92

lol tb olele meen bt3rfe bs ma bt3amle m3hom :3 ymkn 2kon mnhom :3

hahaha :p ma azon enk menhom men 3ashrkm b3rf hiba hindi w aya mikkawi w b3rf bisan le2nha sa7bt yasmeen :p
bs hdul i guess :3

okay yala :3 um ummmm meen bt3rfe bnat bl mdrase 8eer mn el tawjehe o 2wal

umm awal ma b3rf 3'er tayma <3 :p
b3rf sa7bat o5te saf 8 w 5awat sa7bate :p
shufe ana b3rf kter bs generaly ma bt3aml m3 7ad

hhhhhhhh lol xP tyb el mhm ween wslna ?

hhhh b3rfsh kmle as2le :p
bs it feels awkward enk ente bt3rfine w ana i have nu idea who u are :3 :p

lol tb ummm 27la yom b7yatk ?

yamma mts2lesh as2le btt3lq b zakera :3 ma7sobtek mdy3a :p
wleh ma jawbte ma bseer -.- !


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