

Ask @Himecut

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hola :) quiero ser tu amigo, pareces ser una buena persona ademas de interesante. :)

sure, deja info de contacto y hablamos

Hola Carmen, espero que te encuentres bien, la verdad es que se te extraña y espero poder volver a verte pronto en twitter, un abrazo y muchos ánimos, estoy segura de que eres capaz de superar cualquier dificultad, gambatte kudasai. ♥︎

Hola y muchas gracias. Esto significa mucho para mi, pero no pienso entrar a twitter anytime soon por razones personales. Lo siento.

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What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities?

I've gotten INTP before, though last time I took the test I got INTJ. It's fun to think about, but I don't really believe in this and don't take it seriously, so.

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

I love this question. Too bad I can't answer it.

Carmen, escoge una de las frases que dijiste en el post de "Shit u***" y la grabo en vocaroo a mi versión, si es posible que no sean las "DEEEEN" SO HARD (?

no se, meanwhile at witch-hunt (?)

What hobby do you wish you could pick up?

Playing an instrument and sewing are hobbies I wish I could do.
Hobbies I'd like to go back to are swimming, learning a new language, and dancing. I might, actually. Hopefully.

HOW WON nutella / peanutbutter

You mean which is better? Peanut butter wins, but only if it's crunchy, like, with actual peanuts. Creamy peanut butter is absolute garbage.

what's the deal with the ovaltine

I had no idea what that was, but I just googled it and I don't know? I prefer Nesquik (?)


aww no te preocupes, lo guardare entonces <3
diria lo mismo pero tendria que conocerte mejor,,,,


Language: English