
Holden Reviews

How long have you been studying Japanese? (As a language I mean)

I studied on my own since 2012 but that was really just the hiragana and katakana. I only had one semester of japanese my freshman year of college and the rest I learned from living in Japan.

Latest answers from Holden Reviews

If you meet your younger self, what do you think they'll say or think about you?

They will think the current me has not achieved anything and that I will do way better than he ever did.

What is your favorite work by Satoshi Kon? Have you read any of his manga?

I have read the mermaid manga he wrote which felt really incomplete and my favorite work by him is perfect blue.

how does it feel to be called somewhat famous, as much of a niche you're famous in? And would you co wider yourself that?

Lemon Citrus
It feels odd because I do not see myself as someone deserving as as many fans as I have but if anything it is a huge motivator for me to push myself to make the best content I can foe my fans.

did you had to submit a portfolio to apply to your college?

Yes I did. It was admittedly pretty garbage.

What anime have you been watching since you are back in America

None, been busy finishing school. I graduate college today actually.

Can you tell me that how did you made the skins of your podtaku videos... That when they talked their image was highlighted with the intensity the person is talking...

No I can't

Something that mabye was asked before or just answered but what garphic tablet do you use and would you recomment it

I use a cintique companion hybrid and it is super good, cost a grand though so it is not for beginners. I would recommend an intous for beginners.

Language: English