
Holly Lauren-Leigh Kessner

Ask @HollyKessner

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put the baby up for adoption. you cant give it anything. youre so naive. what can you give it? really? you cant even pay for yourself. gunna live off mummy forever are you?

No. And hm actually I can... And no I'm not gonna live off mummy forever as I'm working hard to try and get some decent grades to get a decent job.. You are pathetic you clearly don't even no me if your big enough too write this then message me on facebook.

in what universe is it acceptable for a 15 year old girl to have an unwanted child who will have nothing yet someone who is 30 cant even have their own child and give it everything and actually knows what they are doing and has 1-a brain and 2- a fucking education.

This one actually your a bore shut up with your bullshit if you have something to say message me

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That's good! You are pretty switched on! I'm guessing your parents are helping? Friends? I hope for you and the baby's sake someone comes into your lives and willingly accepts to pay for the well being of the child the dad dosent deserve to have the kid or you in his sad, pathetic, little life! X

I like to think I am! Aha and yeah they are all there for me and helping me out, and so do I! Would be nice aha and yeah I know he's a twat x

Find someone willing to accept you are a mum! I'm sure there is a guy out there willing to support you and your baby? X

I couldn't do that to anyone if a guy was with me I wouldn't expect him to provide for my baby it's my responsibility:s x

Your the mum! You can't be expected to get a job it's down to the dad! At least until the baby has settled? Then go for it! X

Yeah but If I don't get some money who will, he's not supportive at all, to be fAir it would be easier on my own.. X

Just out of curiosity I'm not having ago... But which one of you have a job? Who's gunna financially support the kid? I'm guessing you both still live at home? I'm not saying your gunna be a bad mum I'm just saying make sure the dad pulls his finger out!

I know I don't think he's bothering but I'm trying to get a job at the moment and I will try my hardest x

Holly don't listen to anyone saying your gonna be a bad mum being young doesn't mean your not gonna be able to cope I think you'll be brilliant mum so don't let anyone put you down!<3

Thank you<3

I dont know who some of you people think you are saying about hollys baby not having a dad nbf but the dad has a choice whether there in the childs life or not dont even think about putting all the blame on holly she will be an amazing mum! So why dont some of you back off im becoming a mum myself s

Thank you!!!<3

why are people giving respect? she had unprotected sex and got pregnant at 15. people are acting as if she deserves an oscar.

No I don't deserve anything but you my dear deserve a slap in the face.
Liked by: Lenen Millard

Holly dont listen to anyone that is saying your gonna be a bad mum, just cus your young doesnt mean shit I think you'll be a brilliant mum just don't let them put you down!<3

Thank you <3

Whos the dad of your baby you shouldnt be embarrassed considering you fucked him so he cant be that bad:/

He is, I'm embarrassed for what he has turned into. The drugs he's done the way he acts, he's not ready for this. And until he prepares himself and sorts his life out I will not be saying anything.

Genuinely have a lot of respect for you tbh, are you willing to do anything to be a good mother?

I'll do anything now, anything to make sure my baby has the best.I will try my hardest to give it the best and prove all the ass holes wrong. I will do it no matter what anyone says. It's my baby my responsibility, yes I'm a child but that doesn't make me any less of a good mother then a 30 year old.

Will you carry on smoking and drinking during your pregnancy?

I do smoke but I've cut down and I'm quitting and I obviously don't drink I'm not that much of a twat!

... a dad, yet another sad life that needs to miss out on part of ts family. just like you with your sister. just because ur mum was yonge when she had you doesnt mean you should do it too. get a grip, stupid little girl.

It will have a dad... Don't know why your saying that. And that's completely different I can't see me sister again because she is gone! The dad is around so don't try make me look bad. And my mum wasn't young when she had me.. She was young when she had my sister shows how well you know me then. Inbox me if you think your so great.

You are so ridiculous. "oh my sister died in a car crash and now im pregnant ans i cant lose another life" you're telling people to grow up when you have only just turnt 15. ive known you since you were a baby. That kid will ruin your life. To be a good mum you can wave good bye to going out ....

If you have known me since I was a baby why are you not messaging me instead of anonymous on here? And yes that's a fair reason and if you knew me that well you would understand me. Who even is this? Inbox me? And well in 15 wow that's cute

are you having a boy or girl and what are you going to name it xx oh and by the way congradulations u will be a good mum and u are a strong individual ur baby will be proud to have such a beautiful and confident mum like you ! xxx

Don't know yet find out soon! And got a few ideas and thank you so much xx

Holly I hope your baby is happy and healthy love you lots, stay strong x x x

Aw thank you who's this?x x


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