
Hollywood Daddy

What is your take on (the-man-with-the-James-Franco-fluff-on-his-face) Jordan Castro? I've never read his stuff but am interested in what you think.

Senior c is cool with me.
I was initially negatively prejudiced towards him and his writing. My perception was that he was some dumb kid who looked/acted like all the other dumb kids that looked/acted like him.
We met at ken baumann's house during a sator book release party. He was in la with noah cicero to shoot scenes for that shitty 'sfaa' movie.
Jordan had a really earnest, youthful vibe, like a puppy dog. I mean that with a very positive connotation.
We talked about drugs, music and poetry. it was a good conversation.
The next day we met on hollywood boulevard and went back to my apartment. Sold him some pharmaceuticals, expounded on the previous talking points, gifted him with a rare sam pink chapbook, then walked to where he was staying while discussing the awaiting pussy xituation and cockblock pitfall.
I sort of avoided his writing because I didn't think it would have much fire. But, decided to stop being a grumpy dick, read some and really liked it.
I think him using opiates again would be detrimental, not because opiates are inherently bad, but because of how much power/influence they have in regards to his personality.
I give jordan castro the hollywood daddy stamp of approval.

Latest answers from Hollywood Daddy

Can some person change your life?

I think a person can help you change your life; but everything comes from within.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

My only expectation is to let go of expectations, until the original expectation dissolves.

If someone will massage you what kind of massage do you like?? I prefer giving a japanese massage. ?

I don't know what a Japanese massage entails. Imagining a massage person dressed as a kabuki dancer rubbing their hands together then barely touching me while making painful facial expressions.
I like any massage if the person giving the massage is good at what they do; and especially if they're in tune with energy. Relaxing into body work is better than any drug experience.
I typically like Thai though.

What colors would you choose to define every season? For me it´d be: Spring-Green, Summer-Blue, Autumn-Orange, Winter-White.

I like your colors.
Mine are:
Spring: Yellow
Summer: Black
Autumn: Brown
Winter: Blue

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