
Hollywood Daddy

i want to say fuck you to that poster who suggested we burn religious texts. is that okay? nobody is burning my beautiful bible.

Yeah, of course.
Think you have as much of a right to say 'fuck you' as he/she has to suggest burning religious texts. Also, think the suggestion was one-sided and didn't take in to account the feelings of people who are religious. Like, burning another person's possessions is the anti-sharing.
Religion isn't the issue (if you believe it's problematic). Human beings are. There will always be man-made systems in place to herd others.
Some people have an immature concept of reality and possible future realities. They believe universal tranquility is achievable. It's not.
All systems--utopian, dystopian and everything between--will eventually fail. It's human nature to dominate, rebel, triumph and submit. The difference is the degree. Most humans are weak-minded followers. They just do what they're told. Like, even in times of extreme duress, most people roll over and take it. It takes a rebellious type to intervene and provide a path to follow.
There will never be true peace. We are all animals.
What's frightening, to me, is how docile the rebellious types are becoming and how technologically advanced the dominate types are achieving. Like, the sci-fi idea of humans vs robots is sort of correct, I think, except, it will be a small group of humans using robots to enslave/kill other humans.
Religion isn't even that threatening anymore. Technology and science is.
Anyways, I think any person consenting to religion has the right to. I'm only against religion forcing itself on others.
Plus, on a positive note, religion has created some beautifully kinky people. I appreciate it.

Latest answers from Hollywood Daddy

Can some person change your life?

I think a person can help you change your life; but everything comes from within.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

My only expectation is to let go of expectations, until the original expectation dissolves.

If someone will massage you what kind of massage do you like?? I prefer giving a japanese massage. ?

I don't know what a Japanese massage entails. Imagining a massage person dressed as a kabuki dancer rubbing their hands together then barely touching me while making painful facial expressions.
I like any massage if the person giving the massage is good at what they do; and especially if they're in tune with energy. Relaxing into body work is better than any drug experience.
I typically like Thai though.

What colors would you choose to define every season? For me it´d be: Spring-Green, Summer-Blue, Autumn-Orange, Winter-White.

I like your colors.
Mine are:
Spring: Yellow
Summer: Black
Autumn: Brown
Winter: Blue

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