
Hollywood Daddy

Is it racist to have a preference in race? Like which one you're more often attracted to? Feel like most people would say it is racist but feel like everyone has these preferences they just want to seem like a better person so they deny it. I've been attracted to someone of every race but more ofte

I don't know. You tell me if it's racist. Like, the only parties involved are you and the objects of your obsession.
I know some people don't like being racially objectified, but that's their insecure, hypocritical hang up.
I'm objectified for my red hair/beard all the time. Especially by black girls. It doesn't make me feel less important as a man or a person. I'm confident in who I am. I'm me. I do my own shit.
I recommend striving to be that way too.
As far as your attraction preference goes, why would any compulsion be wrong? You can't change it. As long as it isn't unethical--non-consensual--enjoy what you dig, man.
And, any time you feel 'bad' about wanting to bone a girl/dude of a race, try to remember that there's at least a thousand girls/dudes of that same race with a compulsion towards whatever your skin color/ethnicity is.

Latest answers from Hollywood Daddy

Can some person change your life?

I think a person can help you change your life; but everything comes from within.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

My only expectation is to let go of expectations, until the original expectation dissolves.

If someone will massage you what kind of massage do you like?? I prefer giving a japanese massage. ?

I don't know what a Japanese massage entails. Imagining a massage person dressed as a kabuki dancer rubbing their hands together then barely touching me while making painful facial expressions.
I like any massage if the person giving the massage is good at what they do; and especially if they're in tune with energy. Relaxing into body work is better than any drug experience.
I typically like Thai though.

What colors would you choose to define every season? For me it´d be: Spring-Green, Summer-Blue, Autumn-Orange, Winter-White.

I like your colors.
Mine are:
Spring: Yellow
Summer: Black
Autumn: Brown
Winter: Blue

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