

Ask @HushPup12

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What do you hate?

I sincerely hate helping people and they say thanks I'll be there whenever you need me than I need help and they don't give a shit! Like wtf! One of my pet peeves!

I was trying to be nice to you, then you went all bitch on me.

Cool story bro. Idgaf! Who is this?

You seem like a real stuck up bitch. Maybe pull the stick out of your ass?

Who the hell are you? Do you know my story? Do you know me well enough to call me a stuck up bitch? Didn't think so! Once you know my story then go ahead and judge me but you don't so fuck off and leave me alone! You need to get a life and stop judging people you don't even know the stories of! If you don't know what I've been through then fuck off I have a hard life and the shit I've been threw is terrible! I get bullied daily even threw the summer! So fuck off and stop trying to be cool cause no one fucking gives a shit! If you think this is being cool then why don't you get off Anon!

You're welcome. Do you have kik?

No now go away and leave me alone and stop trying to add me on facebook! K? K bye!

I don't actually know you lol. I just saw your picture and was like blown away by how beautiful you are.

Okay thanks? Whats your name tho?

you don't know me though! haha evil laughs and faints to ground dying of laughter oh don't I love my self hahahaha

Who's dis?

Why do you post stuff on other people's walls like "you and Deandra should date!!! You's would be cute!<3" and don't say it's not you, because you always put like 5 exclamation points. LOL!

It isn't me actually! I would confess if It was but its not! Get your facts straight before you do this cause I've never done this before! Bye
Liked by: sammie #online


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