

Ask @IAmWaitForItAwsome

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Fave song?

I can never decide, but I kinda have a "song of the week" . Its Mr. Brightside, AGAIN. Maybe that is my favorite song... ;) xx

What was the last movie that made you think?

The New Nightmare on Elm Street. It made me think about how sick and twisted people are, especially pedos.

10 facts about you?

1) - My name is Aimée Margaret Pollard.
2) - I have a younger brother.
3) - I used to be a raw vegan, then a vegetarian. Now I just LOVE meat, I'm so evil...
4) - I freak out massively at the sight of spiders.
5) - I am a very impulsive buyer.
6) - I don't know who the hell the Janoskians are.
7) - I have an obsessio over Twin Atlantic, the best band EVERRR.
8) - One Direction are my guilty pleasure.
9) - I want to move to America, but I am scared of their weather and the Klu Klux Klan.
10) - Bacon is my favorite food but I feel awkard telling people that so, I tell them it is chocolate instead. <3

so you were a vegan?

yea, but that was over a year ago, i have been a vegetarian since then until very recently

The perfect boy/girl. Hair colour and style: Build: Height: Eye Colour: Dress sense: Favourite band: Football team: Favourite TV program: Book: Film: Breast size/willy size: Geeky, popular, funny, bad boy/slut?: If they could play the drums/guitar/sing/: Anyone in mind?:

I kinda hate these questions, I also hate the fact that is is going to be a REALLY long answer. :P
guy not girl. if dark hair loongish prefurably with a hat. if blonde or ginger short hair. no prefurence on build but i am kind of scared i might break the skinny ones. two inches taller than me is the minimum. being with a short guy is just awkard. i like guys in band tees and converse or just what an average guy wears. i hate the ones that wear really deep v necks or REALLY skinny jeans.
i dont mind music taste even if its mainstream shit. but some one who listens to indie or alternative rock would be so cool cuz thats the music i listen to. Friends how i met your mother new girl and big bang theory are my faves so it would be cool if he likes them. i dont mind what TV he watches as long as he accepts that i like watching cooking programs. i dont mind what books he likes as long as likes HARRY POTTER. if he doesnt i would just kill him. i dont mind what kind of movies he likes as long as he will watch horror movies. i LOVE horror movies. im not even going to answer the one about willy size. i dont mind a slightly geeky guy as long as he wasnt too much like my bro who likes bakugan. pokemon is a perfectly acceptable intrest. and star wars and lord of the rings are okay.
i dont care if he is popular or not as long as he is not too arogant. being funny would be PERFECT. i like laughing. bad boys are okay but i dont like really bad crime like really bad theft and gangs and drug dealing or smoking. sluts are not my thing.
i love musical people. i like watching people play instroments and sing. that would be great! and i like guys that skateboard i have always loved skateboarding since i was little but i have never been any good at it but its not something i would say i found atractive in a guy but i do like it .

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10 prettiest year 10's?

I dont even think i know that many at my school. at least not their names ;P
There are a load of others I just have no idea who they are. :P


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