
Got IC Roleplay Ask

Latest answers from Got IC Roleplay Ask

Is there darkness in your soul?

Malchior Oleander: I don't know how much I believe in such concepts as "darkness of one's soul". But if I must humor the analogy, I suppose there's not a single soul that's absent of even the tiniest shred of "darkness". It's merely the choice to embrace it that decides what kind of person that soul belongs to.

What makes a "hero"?

Kenshin Ichirou: A hero is someone who's brave enough to stand and fight for their cause, and to dedicate themselves to helping others.
Malchior Oleander: A hero is the person that the public decides they want to win.

What is your characters' first languages?

Sevaline Oleander: The Kalcion have our own language that we share across the planet, since it's a pretty damn small population. We all speak that for the most part, but we in the military are required to learn and speak multiple human languages. We're pretty fluent in English and Japanese.
Kenshin Ichirou: Japanese. Since I deal with a lot of foreign students and Riders, I learned English as well.
Jack Donovan: Opposite for me. Native English speaker, but since I attended college in Kyoto I learned Japanese.
Jackie Crow: Iunno anythin' other than English, I think. Then again some people say I ain't even great at that...those people are assholes.
Nora Brooks: I...THINK we speak English?

*plays country music for Jackie on non-stop loop*


Where did you grow up?

Nora Brooks: Castelia City in the Unova Region!
Jackie Crow: California.
Sevaline Oleander: The royal palace on Kalcion. Same with my papa.
Prim Zebanon: I had a house near the palace, but I mostly just sat around my dad's lab there.
Gohra Kanorath: I lived in the central city of Kalcion, but spent much of my life in the freezing deserts surrounding our city in my HONORABLE training regiment!
Kenshin Ichirou: I was born and raised in Kyoto.
Wakana Ichirou: I was born in Tokyo, but I moved to Kyoto around high school.
Harvey Copper: Our own little Flytrap Town, born and raised!
Razzmatazz Rider: I live in New York most of my life but moved to Japan and joined up with the Riders 'cuz it seemed like my kind of deal. Didn't expect to be stuck on basically busboy duty but...y'know. Whatever.

What are your thoughts on hired mercenaries?

Drifter: It's not a pretty job, but sometimes ya gotta take what ya can to put food on the table.

Language: English