
i wanna touch ur butt

Top 10 favourite movies?

All the Harry Potter movies obvs(I'm saying they count as one ok don't eat me for cheating), (500)Days Of Summer, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice In Wonderland, wah I have so many but yeah it's hard to choose:c, Perks, Happy Feet(don't judge me ok it's great), Arthur, Bridget Jone's, Tenacious D and The Pick Of Destiny, nd Shrek ok yay

Latest answers from i wanna touch ur butt

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

My Chemical Romance :s not even ashamed bro

Don't c what not being true has to do with picking ur own persona but if u say so...

Well not being true would be portraying another persona, so it has everything to do with it.

Pretty easy to see you are not true

Yeah but you'd have to actually know me at all to be able to definitively say anything about my nature. I am always true to myself, why in the lords name would I pretend to be //myself//?? Surely I'd pick a more glamorous/confident/generally all around better persona if I were going to pick one at all lol

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